Below: Our 2022 Confirmandi and our 2024 First Communion Class


The College Church offers both a traditional religious education (RE) program and a Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) program. The RE program is available for children kindergarten through eighth grade. The CGS program is offered for children from preschool through sixth grade. You may be put on a waiting list for the CGS program.

Classes meet at 9:15 on Sunday morning in the College Church and in Davis-Shaughnessy Hall, just west of the Pius XII Library. RE classes conclude at 10:20, GCS classes go until 11:00 with children brought to their parents during the 10:30 Mass.

Both programs are based on Ignatian Spirituality, with an emphasis on God’s unconditional love, and on the importance of service. The programs use the Examen to reflect on each day’s opportunity to be Christ-like in daily activities.

RE classes are organized by grade level and operate in a more traditional classroom setting. CGS classes are Montessori-based, with multi-aged groupings, and they encourage children to grow in their faith life through individual experience. Children in both programs receive sacraments in second and eighth grade.

For more information about these programs contact Julie Kilian at or Jaime Gil Nuñez at

Prevent and Protect STL

Everyone ministering to minors and vulnerable adults (clergy, employees and volunteers) in the Archdiocese is required to participate in the Prevent and Protect STL program, in compliance with the Bishop’s Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. You can register at Please contact Terry Edelmann with any questions.

For more information, see our information page at


Both the St Francis Xavier College Church traditional religious education program and the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program share the same Mission Statement and Goals.

Mission Statement

The Religious Education Programs, as part of the mission of St. Francis Xavier College Church, seek to actively assist parents in the faith formation of their children. We strive to educate children to develop a personal relationship with Jesus that fosters their love of God and prepares them to respond in love as witnesses to Christ in the world.

·       Provide engaging interactive and age appropriate lessons
·       Increase participation in the sacramental life of the Church, particularly the Eucharist
·       Reach out in loving service to others
·       Develop a caring community among students, families and the parish
·       Aid in the faith development of parents

Program Highlights

Traditional RE Program:
·       Utilizes a variety of teaching methods and materials including activities, presentations, discussion and textbooks to learn the essential elements of our faith
·       Classes are determined by child’s grade level
·       Class meets from 9:15 – 10:20 am on most Sunday mornings from September through May
·       Classes range in size from 15 -25 children
·       Classes meet in the Parish Center and in Davis-Shaughnessy Hall on the SLU campus

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Program:
·       Curriculum is based on Scripture, Liturgy and the educational principles of Maria Montessori
·       Classes meet in the Parish Center in a prepared space called an Atrium
·       Uses a developmental and multi-age approach
·       Class period meets from 9:15 – 11 am, on most Sunday mornings from September through May.  Children are brought back into the 10:30 liturgy to meet their parents at the Presentation of the Gifts
·       Class size is generally 10-12 children

For more information contact:
Julie Kilian at or Jaime Gil Nuñez at