Universal Prayer Ideas for February 2, 2025 – Presentation of the Lord
For the Church: that the Light of Christ may shine through us and reveal God’s presence and compassion to all who are searching for meaning or purpose to their lives
For the grace of awareness: that we may recognize Christ’s presence in our lives, through those who love us, the events of each day and in those who are suffering
For the Light of Wisdom: that church leaders may show through their teaching and actions the path to a deeper relationship with Christ and greater unity in the Church
For all who live in darkness: that the Light of the Gospel may break through their darkness and open a path to meaningful life each day
For the Light of Justice: that the burden and pain of those who suffer unjustly may be lifted and that God will restore their lives within the human community
For all members of Religious Communities: that the Spirit will renew them, empower them to give faithful witness to Christ, and fully follow their charism for God’s glory
For parents of infants: that God will guide them in caring for and nurturing their child so that each child may grow to their fullest potential and be a blessing for the human family
For growth in prayer: that like Simeon and Anna, we may patiently await God’s word in the silence of our hearts and reflect upon all that God has done for us
For all who live in fear: that God will protect them from harm, guide them to welcoming communities, and help them to fully use their gifts for others
For all senior citizens: that God will give them health and strength so that we may learn from them and be inspired by them
For all world leaders: that God’s Light will help them to see the value and dignity of human life and work tirelessly for peace
For all called to prophetic ministry: that God will give them a clear grasp of the truth courage to speak God’s Words, and strength to endure opposition
For the preservation of natural resources: that God will guide us in understanding the rhythms of nature and inspire us as we work to preserve the riches of the earth for future generations
For all who are recovering from natural disasters: that God will give them strength, renew their hope, and help them to find the resources that they need to rebuild their lives
For an end to violence: that God end family disputes, bring safety to neighborhoods, and end violence between nations so that all may live in peace
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – January 26, 2025
For the Church: that we may recognize our identity as members of the Body of Christ and manifest the Good News in our lives, our families, and our workplaces.
For openness to the Holy Spirit: that we may nurture and develop the gifts that the Spirit has given us and use them to build up the Body of Christ and in service of others
For the gift of discernment: that leaders and every member of the Christian community will listen for God’s invitations to further the mission of Jesus in healing and evangelizing the human family
For teachers and preachers: that God will inspire them with words that will renew the faith of those who hear them and lead them to a greater trust in God’s providence
For greater openness to God’s Word: that we may allow God’s Word to enter our deepest selves, enlighten the darkness of our hearts, and free us to live as daughters and sons of God
For all who are fleeing violence or terrorism: that God will open a pathway for them to safety and help them to find welcoming communities
For all who have been released from confinement: that God will give courage and new direction to those have been held hostage, those who have escaped human trafficking, and those released from prison so that they may live full and fruitful lives
For all who steward earth’s resources: that we may recognize all of creation as God’s gift to us and deepen our awareness of our responsibility to care for the earth
For all who struggle with emotional and mental illness: that they may come to know a time of God’s favor and receive peace and relief from their struggles
For all who are in hospice: that they may be reconciled with those who are important to them and peacefully commend themselves to God’s healing embrace
For healing within churches: that God will free us from rivalries and past wounds so that we can work together in serving Christ who brought forgiveness to all
For families experiencing divorce: that God will guide them through difficult times, help them to respect one another, and to care for their children
For all who are recovering from natural disasters: that God will give them courage and strength, supportive companions to assist them, and open the pathway for the resources which they need
For greater attention to God’s Word: that we may recognize the words of scripture as sources of Spirit and Life that will help us live more fully and faithfully each day
For peace and a reduction in international tensions: that God will give all leaders a bigger vision of the human family, guide the successful implementation of the ceasefire in Palestine, and end violence in all areas of warfare
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – January 19, 2025
For the Church: that we may recognize the gifts of the Spirit, the ministry of Jesus, and the works of God in our lives and our community so that we may fully cooperate and support the actions of God in our time
For growth in discipleship: that inspired Mary’s words, we may become better disciples by doing all that God asks of us
For a greater cooperation with the Holy Spirit: that we utilize the gifts that we have been given to build up the Body of Christ and to serve those who are in need
For a spirit of gratitude: that we may appreciate the abundance of God’s generosity toward us and rely upon God who never tires of providing for us
For deepening of our relationship with God: that we may grow in intimacy with God, the source of our life, through prayer, reflection, and service
For Donald Trump and all the members of the new administration: that God will help them fulfill their duties, open that to the struggles in our society, and guide them in building cooperation with other nations
For our country: that God will heal the divisions and animosity that exists in our society, help us to listen to one another, and guide leaders to work together to addressing the major issues before our nation
For all couples: that they may be channels of God’s love to one another and signs of God’s presence in society
For all engaged and newly married couples: that they may invite Jesus to be part of their relationship and grow in their love and commitment to each other
For the unity of all Christians: that God will heal the wounds in the body of Christ and help us to give common witness to God through prayer and acts of loving compassion
For all impacted by wildfires or snowstorms: that God will lead them to places of safety, protect people and nature from further damage, and open the hearts of many to share their time and resources with those who have suffered loss
For an end to violence in families, amongst neighbors, and in our city streets: that God will turn hearts from violence and help all people to work together to build the City of God
For greater respect for human life: that the Spirit will open hearts to the value and beauty of all human life and free society from abortion and euthanasia
For all who are suffering: that God will bring refugees to places of safety, food and medicine to those suffering, direction to all who are searching for work, and comfort to the grieving
For peace: that God will turn hearts from warfare and violence and help the human family address the needs for food, medicine, and education
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord – January 12, 2025
For the Church: that we may recognize our calling to be daughters and sons of God and empowered by the Holy Spirit manifest God’s love and compassion through our words and deeds
For understanding: that we may learn from Jesus how to be fully human and place all our gifts and talents into God’s service
For a renewal of the gift of the Holy Spirit: that God will stir up the gift of Spirit within us, make us strong in our faith and dynamic in love
For a deepening of prayer in our lives: that, like Jesus, we may grow in our relationship with God through prayer and listening
For courage: that God will strengthen us to bear the challenges of daily life and thus give witness to the faithfulness of God
For all who have been baptized in our community, particularly those during this last year: that they may be faithful disciples of Jesus and continue to grow in their knowledge and love of God
For all catechumens: that they may hear God’s call, allow God to prepare a way in their hearts, and grow in their relationship with God each day.
For all who have responded to God’s call to ministry: that God will strengthen them, make fruitful their service, and empower them with the Holy Spirit
For all who need a shepherd’s care: that God will provide for those lacking food or heat, guide refugees and those fleeing violence, and bring freedom to those unjustly detained
For all who are making vocational choices: that the Spirit will guide them in responding to God’s invitation to priestly, religious, married, or single life and help them to share their love and gifts fully
For all who have experienced abuse or discrimination: that they may hear God’s affirmation that they are beloved and experience healing for their bodies, minds, and spirits
For the new Congress: that God grant them wisdom in addressing the needs of the nation and in developing a budget that will promote the dignity and safety of each person
For all who are ill: that God will give peace to those preparing for surgery, strength to those enduring a long recovery, and hope to those with life threatening conditions
For all young adults: that they may respond to God’s invitations to build up the Christian community and participate in the mission of the church
For a new dawning of peace and reconciliation: that those who strive for peace may not tire and that God will open new opportunities for opponents to recognize the good in one another
Universal Prayer Ideas for January 5, 2025 – Solemnity of the Epiphany
1. For the Church: that, through our words and deeds, we may be a Light to those who are searching for direction and a sign of hope for those seeking to begin again
2. For a deeper awareness of the signs along our spiritual journey: that we learn from the people and experiences in our lives how to recognize God’s presence and invitations
3. For God’s blessing on the New Year: that God will fill the coming days with health of body, mind, and spirit, renew the gifts of the Spirit within us, and inspire us with new ways to share the Good News with others
4. For greater trust: that, like the Wise Men, God’s Light may guide us through the unknown of the coming days as we rely more deeply on God’s love and care for us
5. For a great utilization of our gifts and talents: that like the magi, we may offer all our gifts to God and use them in the service of God’s reign
6. For a spirit of wonder: that our hearts may be filled with joy as we recognize God’s many gifts to us in our faith, our relationships, and our opportunities
7. For catechumens and candidates: that their search for Christ and a Christian Community may lead them to an ever-deepening experience of Emmanuel
8. For a renewal of prayer in our lives: that we may make time for God each day of this year and be attentive to God’s invitations and promptings in our hearts
9. For greater unity and cooperation within the human family: that God will heal the wounds of racial bias, open hearts to the talents of every person, and help us work together against violence, drug abuse, and poverty
10. For all recovering from natural disasters: that God will guide them through the challenges that they face, renew their spirits, and open the hearts of many to assist and encourage them
11. For those bound by fear: that God will free their spirits, help them to trust God's providence, and open a vision of the future for them
12. For members of the administration and Congress: that God will give them a clear understanding of the issues before them and wisdom to effectively address them for the common good
13. For the people of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and all the Holy Land: that God will ease their burdens, open opportunities, and establish justice for them
14. For all who are ill: that God will restore the sick, provide comfort and support to the homebound, and give strength to all parents with sick children
15. For all who have died: that the Light of God’s love may lead them into the joy of God’s presence forever
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Feast of the Holy Family – December 29, 2024
For the Church: that we may recognize and honor the dignity which we have been given in being called children of God
For the grace to grow in wisdom: that the Spirit will give us insight into our experiences and help us to learn from them how to hear God’s invitation and fully respond to God
For all families: that family members may support one another and help each other grow in wisdom, age, and grace, and walk closer with God each day
For all couples: that they may grow in their love for each other and be signs of God’s unconditional love to each other
For all parents: that they may love their children and help them grow in understanding and living Christian values
For children who are missing or at risk: that God will protect them from harm, guide them to a place of safety, and help the parents to continue to show love for them
For parents of young adults: that they may guide them as they embark on life’s journey, encourage them toward responsibility, and support them through the challenges that they will encounter
For all children: that they may grow safely in body, mind, and spirit, and develop their gifts and talents to their fullest
For family members who are in conflict or who are estranged: that God’s love will heal their hearts and dissolve pride so that they may share the joy of fellowship and love again
For all engaged couples: that they may continue to discover God’s gift that they are to each other and support one another as they grow in faith and love together
For all who have no families or who are alienated from or rejected by their families: that they may experience love and acceptance through this Christian community
For couples and children awaiting adoption: that God will bring them together in love, guide them through the legal process and help them with all the adjustments of family life
For all who are grieving, particularly children who have lost parents and parents who have lost children: that they may know that God is with them and draw strength and hope from the Holy Family who experienced great loss and pain
For all who are ill: that God will heal all who are sick or recovering from surgery, help family members to care for one another, and guide all healthcare workers in caring for those who are ill
For all recovering from storms, disasters, or drought: that God will ease their suffering, give them strength of mind and spirit, and speed the resources they need to rebuild their lives.
For all families separated by war, famine, or persecution: that God will reunite them, bring them to places of safety, and heal them of pain and trauma
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Fourth Sunday of Advent – December 22, 2024
For the Church: that our hearts may leap for joy as we recognize God-with-us in the people and events of our lives
For all believers: that we, like Mary, may believe that God will do great things in and through our ordinariness
For a spirit of joy: that we may be grateful for all the gifts and opportunities that God offers us and rejoice in the blessings which come to us each day
For new parents and expectant parents: that God will bless their children with health and help them to care for and nurture their children both physically and spiritually
For all couples desiring to conceive: that God will fulfill their wish and help them to witness faith, hope, and love to their children
For all children who are at risk, who have run away, who are in institutional settings, or who have been trafficked: that God will guide them to someone whom they can trust and bring them to safety
For all who live in Bethlehem and the hill country of Judah; for Christians, Jews, and Muslims: that God’s Spirit will open new pathways of peace and dialogue and bring forth new hope for all who live in fear
For spiritual companions and guides: that we may each find a wise and trusted soul who will accompany us as we discover how God is at work in us and the world around us
For refugees who have fled violence or oppression: that God will protect them from harm, give them strength to face their challenges, and guide them to places of safety
For anyone experiencing fear, anxiety, or depression: that the birth of Christ may bring light into their lives and freedom to their hearts
For all who are traveling during this season: that they may arrive safely and have renewing visits with family and friends
For all who are away from home during the Christmas season, particularly missionaries, aid workers, and members of the military: that God will fill their hearts with peace and reunite them with loved ones in the New Year
For all whose lives seem unimportant: that they may learn from Mary and listen for God’s call and cooperate with God’s saving plan through their lives and deeds
For the sick: that God will heal all who are suffering, give them hope, and renew the strength of all who are caring for them
For Peace: that our celebration of God-with-us, may bring an end to family feuds, social unrest, warfare, and violence and bring forth the reign of justice and peace amongst all people
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Second Sunday of Advent – December 8, 2024
For the Church: that we may make ready a way for the Lord in our time and make a straight path for God in our hearts, our families, and our workplaces
For a recognition of the continual dawning of the Incarnation: that the Word of God may continually bring new light and insight to us as we confront the despair, darkness, and evil that exists in the human family
For the grace of awareness: that we may see the work of God in the events large and small in our lives and cooperate in bringing God’s love where it is most needed
For all who are called to live and speak the truth: that they may courageously witness to the way of Christ when confronted by the powerful expectations and demands of contemporary society
For a leveling of the obstacles in our hearts: that God will remove from our heart’s coldness and resentments, free us from vices that blind us to God presence, and dissolve our inability to forgive others
For a reawakening of our hearts: that we may embrace a new vision for our lives and courageously live as disciples who bring good news and compassion to others
For this community of faith: that our love for others may grow in depth and sincerity and that God’s work in us may bring us ever closer to God
For all whose faith has grown cold: that God will stir up the flame of faith, help them to turn toward God, and help us to welcome them warmly into our faith community
For freedom and healing: that God will fill in the valleys and make level the lives of all who struggle with depression, addictions, or pride so that they may experience freedom and wholeness
For all who are suffering: that God may smooth the pathways of those fleeing violence or oppression, guide refugees to places of safety, supply food and medicine to those in need, and bring comfort to the homebound
For all children: that the hope that fills their hearts this season may become firmly planted within them and sustain them throughout life's journey
For all who are ill: that God will heal the sick, strengthen their caregivers, and inspire all who are seeking cures for diseases
For all suffering from the cold, natural disasters, and poverty: that God will relive their pain, fill their hearts with hope, and open the hearts of many to assist them
For Justice and respect: that God will turn hearts from prejudice and bias, open new opportunities for dialogue, and guide people to new opportunities to work and grow together
For Peace: that God will sustain the peace in Lebanon, bring peace to Ukraine, Gaza, and Sudan, protect the innocent from harm, and bring an end to violence within families and cities
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe November 24, 2024
For the Church: that we may become people of truth through listening to God’s Word, sharing in the Eucharist, and giving witness to it in our decisions and actions
For the grace of detachment: that we may humbly surrender our plans and goals to God and follow wherever God leads us
For transformation of our attitudes: that we may follow Christ in using our power and abilities to wash the feet of others, speak up for those who are oppressed, and help carry the burdens of those who are suffering
For all believers: that we may come to a deep realization that Christ holds our past, walks with us each day, and has a vision for tomorrow filled with compassion and hope
For a new understanding of authority: that we may recognize God as the source of all authority and use our authority in cooperation with God’s loving plan for humanity
For all whose commitment to the truth brings them into conflict with the social, governmental, and religious authorities: that they may learn from and be strengthened by Christ, the suffering servant of truth
For leaders of government and judges: that they may recognize that their authority comes from God and that it is intended for the service of the human community
For all who bear the marks of suffering, persecution, or famine: that the world community may recognize their dignity and work to alleviate their pain
For all seekers: that the Spirit of God will lead them to the source of all truth and guide them to communities of faith where they and their questions are welcomed
For families: that members may speak the truth in love to one another and deepen their support for one another along life’s journey
For a spirit of gratitude: that we may recognize all our skills, opportunities, and freedoms as gifts from God and place them at the service of God and one another
For all who are entrapped by poverty: that God will lead them to freedom and open the hearts of many to assist and encourage them
For all who are rebuilding their lives: that God will restore the sick to health, guide the unemployed to new opportunities, provide the needed resources to those recovering from natural disasters, and comfort those who are grieving
For the safety of all travelers: that God will protect all who are traveling this week and help them to have renewing visits with family and friends
For protection of the earth: that God will guide world leaders and each of us in caring for the earth and give us the courage to follow through on difficult choices to preserve our common home
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – November 17, 2024
For the Church: that we may be a light in times of confusion and turmoil through the witness of our lives and our compassionate care for others
For the grace of discernment: that we may understand the signs of the times and recognize God’s presence, action, and invitation each day
For the gift of hope: that no matter what challenges we face, may we remain confident that with God, all things are possible
For all who are facing crisis, loss, or grief: that the Spirit of God will guide them, comfort them, and help them to face the future
For the grace of forgiveness: that we may be open to God’s unending forgiveness and share it with those who have offended us
For all who live amidst bloodshed and violence: that the blood of those who have died may spur the living to greater efforts for the establishment of peace and justice in every society
For those making new commitments: that God will fill with hope those getting married, becoming new parents, making religious profession, or entering new careers, and guide them through all the joys and sorrows of life’s journey
For all who are in transition: that God will give them courage in facing the unknown, help them to recognize the gifts God has given them, and open them to new opportunities for growth and life
For all who have little hope: that God will open new opportunities for those who lack education, employment, healthcare, or safe housing and help them to move forth in faith
For displaced persons: that God will guide those who have fled violence, famine, or natural disasters, keep them safe from harm, and lead them to places of safety
For all who are experiencing depression: that God will lift the darkness, give them new hope, and help them find support and acceptance
For all who have experienced abused: that God will heal their pain, renew their spirits, and help them to live life fully
For all who have contemplated suicide: that God’s love will break into their hearts and help them recognize reasons to live
For freedom from false prophets: that the Spirit will help us to distinguish between voices of truth and life and those motivated by fear, anxiety, and hate
For all who have died, particularly those who have helped us grow in our relationship with God: that they may share in the fullness of life with God and all the saints
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – November 10, 2024
For the Church: that we may confidently entrust our cares and our futures to God’s loving providence and allow God to lead us to fuller life and better relationships
For all who exercise authority: that they may use their power in the service of others and surrender any desire to profit from their positions
For all in this community of faith: that we may generously share the gifts that God has entrusted to us and use them wisely in the service of God and neighbor
For all who have been widowed: that they may know God’s comforting presence and experience the care and concern of friends and family
For single parents, particularly those who are struggling: that they may find encouragement in the Christian Community and receive the support they need to be good parents and faithful disciples
For outcasts and the forgotten of our society: that God will bring new awareness of their struggles and move us to work to ease their suffering
For healing of racial divisions: that God will help us recognize all people as our sisters and brothers before the one Father who gives life to all
For refugees, people displaced by war, and those facing starvation: that God will move the hearts of many to forego something ordinary and act to lift someone else’s burden
For the Bishops of the United States: that God will give them wisdom in their discussions this week and inspire them to lead the Church to greater unity and love
For all who are sick, particularly those with chronic illnesses or memory loss: that God’s healing love will give them strength, relieve their suffering, and renew their spirits
For a spirit of gratitude: that we may be thankful for all the resources and blessings of the earth and strive to preserve them for future generations
For all who are discerning their vocation: the Spirit will help them hear God's loving invitation and give them the courage to respond generously
For all Veterans: that God may bless them with health, heal painful memories, and help them to live fruitful lives
For all who have been elected to office: that they may faithfully fulfill their duties, be attentive to the needs of the forgotten, and seek to serve the common good
For all who have died, particularly those who died in service to our nation: that God will bring them into the fullness of life in God’s presence
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time – November 3, 2024
For the Church: that we may sincerely seek to love both God and others so that the reign of God may draw near
For continuing conversion of heart: that we may reverence God as the sole center of our life and forsake all idols and allurements that entice us away from God
For all who are seeking God: that they may encounter God’s great love for them, enter into a lifegiving relationship with God, and come to know that they are a beloved child of God
For all disciples: that the Spirit will guide and empower us to pour our lives out in loving service to others, particularly those with whom we find it hard to relate
For all bishops and priests: that those who share in the ministerial priesthood may faithfully lead others in celebrating the Eucharist, living in union with God, and forming a nurturing community life
For the sick, the homebound, and those recovering from surgery: that we may generously assist them by offering encouragement and support to them
For all who care for the sick and the aged: that God will help them to provide their assistance with love and ever renew their strength
For all new and expectant parents: that God will give them the wisdom in caring for and nurturing their children and in sharing faith with them
For all who are discerning their direction in life: that God will inspire all who are making vocational decisions and give them the courage to follow God's invitation
For all who are suffering: that God will guide those living in areas of war to safety, give strength and hope to those recovering from natural disasters, and send your healing Spirit to all who have been tortured or abused
For an end to violence and bombings: that God will inspire dialogue that will reduce conflicts, protect the innocent from harm, and promote human dignity
For all who are grieving: that they may know God’s life-giving presence with them today and experience support and comfort from family and friends
For families in conflict: that God will open communication within families, help everyone to listen to each other, and restore trust and love in each person’s heart
For safe and accurate voting: that God will give wisdom and insight to each person, and help each person to take their responsibility seriously
For all who have died, particularly our family and friends who have recently died: that they may live in the light and peace of God's presence forever
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time – October 27, 2024
For the Church: that we may passionately and continuously call out to Christ for our needs and courageously follow Jesus on the way of life
For the grace to risk: that we may sincerely seek the deepest desires that God has placed in our hearts and pursue their fulfillment even when the path is unclear
For those searching for God: that their eyes and hearts may be opened to the many manifestations of God's love for them
For all whose attention is fixed on the allurements of wealth, power, and prestige: that God will reveal to them their call to discipleship and the opportunities that God presents to use their gifts
For a listening and sensitive heart: that we may never ignore nor try to silence those who cry out in pain or seek our assistance
For all who are blinded by prejudice: that God will enlighten their hearts and help them recognize the value and dignity of each person
For all who help others grow in faith, particularly parents, catechists, and spiritual directors: that God will inspire their efforts as they strive to nurture the seeds of faith that God has planted
For all who are ill, particularly those with diseases of the eyes: that God will bring healing and renewal to them in body, mind, and spirit
For greater reverence for human life, particularly for those advanced in years or dealing with long-term infirmities: that we may affirm their dignity and support them with love and encouragement
For all who have been bullied or tormented by others: that God will comfort and strengthen them and renew their sense of dignity
For greater respect for God’s work of creation: that we may be mindful that all the earth is God’s gift to us and that it is entrusted to our stewardship
For all who are recovering from natural disasters: that God will strengthen them, open doors to the resources that they need, and give them hope
For freedom from fear: that God will free us from the fears that hold us from loving, forgiving, and serving so that we may be dynamic disciples
For the guidance of the Holy Spirit: that, as the Synod concludes, God will guide the church in continuing to listen to God’s invitations and in helping us to fulfill the mission entrusted to us
For safe and peaceful elections: that God will give all voters wisdom as they make decisions about candidates and ballot measures, overcoming obstacles in getting to polling places, and accepting the balloting results
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time – October 20, 2024
For the Church: that we embrace both the dying and the rising in our daily lives and grow into a fuller sharing of new life in Christ
For the grace to bear affliction: that God will strengthen us in the face of trial and hardship so that we may remain faithful disciples each day
For the grace of detachment: that God will free us from the bonds of our egos and attachment to power and prestige so that we may make service of others our priority
For the grace to surrender pride: that we may honestly appreciate our gifts and weaknesses, and surrender our false sense of self to God who heals all weaknesses
For the grace to seek forgiveness: that we may confidently seek God’s forgiveness knowing that Jesus intercedes for us and understands our struggles
For all who exercise authority: that they may use their authority to free those who are unjustly restrained, call forth the gifts of many people, and open opportunities for service toward the common good
For all who are oppressed: that God will bring refugees and victims of war to safety, help them find shelter, food, and medical care, and inspire many of us to help lift their burdens through our efforts and resources
For the Synod participants: that the Spirit will help them to listen each other and the needs of the human family so that God’s love may be extended to all who are suffering
For all who are caught in human trafficking: that God will free them, heal their wounds, and restore them to their loved ones
For all who are recovering from hurricanes and flooding: that God will speed the food, medicine, and clothing they need, protect them from harm, and give them strength to move forward
For all who are assisting others with recovery efforts: that God will protect from harm all who are bringing relief supplies to people, providing medical assistance, clearing debris, or repairing roads
For greater awareness of the fragility of earth: that God will help us to be good stewards of the earth and work to preserve it for future generations
For all who are ill: that God will restore the sick to health, ease their fear, and give them peace
(USA) For safe and peaceful elections: that God will give wisdom to all voters, help them in fulfilling their responsibilities, and keep everyone safe from harm or intimidation
For Peace: that God will break the cycle of violence, protect the life and dignity of each person, preserve the created world, and protect children, the aged, and the infirmed from harm
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time – October 13, 2024
For the Church: that God will free us from all attachments, help us to trust God for all that we need, and help us to deepen our relationship with God and our loved ones
For the grace to listen: that God will free us from all distractions and disorientation so that we may hear God’s voice in prayer, events, and our daily activities
For a deepening of trust: that God will free us from fear and help us to grow in our awareness that with God, all things are possible
For the Synod participants: that Holy Spirit will open the minds and hearts of all the delegates so that the Church may respond to all that God asks of us and better understand the greatest needs of human hearts
For purification of our hearts: that the Word of God may enlighten us, help us to reflect on our lives, and form us in virtue and discipleship
For deeper awareness: that we recognize the limits of power, beauty, fame, and wealth, and learn to trust God who alone fulfills all our needs and wants
For freedom from attachments: that God will give us the courage to live with less and embrace our families, our communities, and the gift of each day more fully
For a greater reverence and appreciation of human life: that we may recognize God’s gift of life in each person, particularly in the very young and the elderly who cannot speak for themselves
For all who have experienced abuse: that God will heal and renew them, help their voices to be heard, and help all in leadership to take effective action to protect the vulnerable and powerless
For teachers, preachers, and spiritual directors: that God will plant the divine Word deep within them and inspire them to share it in dynamic and life-giving ways
For children who have been neglected, are malnourished, or abandoned: that God will come to their aid, free them from danger, bring them to a safe and loving environment
For all who are recovering from hurricanes, flooding, or wildfires: that God will sustain them, speed the assistance that they need, and give strength to all who are helping them
For all who are ill: that God will heal the sick, strengthen those facing a long recovery, and renew all who are caring for them
For greater care for the air that we breathe: that we may each take responsibility for the quality of the air that affects every person
For Peace and an end to warfare: that God would help world leaders to let go of revenge, recognize the pain and suffering around them, and open them to dialogue
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time – October 6, 2024
For the Church: that we may be a sign of communion between God and humanity and a means of reconciliation amongst all people
For the grace of fidelity: that we may each be faithful to our promises and commitments, to spouses, children, parents, communities, and friends
For the members of the Synod: that the Spirit will open their minds and hearts as they listen to the issues which are important in various parts of the world and lead them to new awareness and concern for the Church universal
For openness: that we may grow in our awareness of our need for God and others as we face our challenges and grow toward wholeness
For all married or engaged couples: that they may recognize Christ in each other, grow into true oneness of life, and bring God’s love to others
For all who are in lonely or troubled marriages: that they may find support in the Christian community and receive strength and courage to work to renew their relationships
For healing of the tension and conflicts between women and men in our society: that God will lead us to a new appreciation of each other and help us to give witness to God’s plan of women and men complimenting one another as we work together
For all children: that they may be warmly welcomed into families and supported as they grow and develop into the persons God calls them to be
For the grace to receive the kingdom of God as a little child: that the Spirit will open our hearts to receive God's love and God's gift of new life in the Spirit
For all who have experienced divorce: that God will heal their pain, renew their sense of self, and help them find support and understanding in our community
For greater respect for human life: that all human life, from conception to natural death, will be respected as God's gift and a blessing to humanity
For all who are struggling with thoughts of suicide: that the Holy Spirit will calm their hearts, help them know that they are loved, and help them to reach out to someone
For the work of the United Nations: that their conversations will promote peace and cooperation, develop shared understandings of the challenges that exist, and give them the courage to confront the evils that plague the human family
For all who are suffering: that God will heal the sick, bring relief to those cleaning up after hurricanes or fires, and send relief to those entrapped by poverty
For Peace: that God will bring an end to violence and warfare in the Middle East and in all parts of the world so that children may grow in peace and safety
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Sept 29, 2024
For the Church: that we may welcome the gift of the Spirit and be transformed by the Spirit’s work in us so that God’s mercy, compassion, and presence may be manifest to our world
For the grace of discipleship: that we may never prefer anything, even our most treasured possessions, to our relationship with Christ
For all participating in the Synod: that the Spirit will open their minds and hearts as they gather for days of prayer before beginning the Synod sessions
For freedom of spirit: that God will break the chains of jealousy and greed that work to claim our hearts and hold our society in bondage
For a renewed sense of mission: that we may each use our unique gifts and opportunities to share God’s love through words, deeds of compassion, hospitality welcome, or cups of water
For all who exercise leadership in the Church: that the Spirit will give them clear insight into the wounds and weaknesses in the hearts of believers so that new ways to connect with God will be opened
For openness to the Spirit: that we may welcome all whom God calls to serve in the various ministries of our faith community and listen for the Spirit’s promptings about new forms and styles of service that are needed to meet the hungers of human hearts
For all young people: that God’s Spirit will fill them with wisdom and understanding so that they may correctly perceive the values of life and not be seduced by wealth, fame, or power
For all whose faith is weak: that the Spirit will draw them closer to God and protect them from being scandalized by the human failures within and conflicts between communities of faith
For all who have been cheated or defrauded of their income: that God will overturn the injustice and provide for their needs
For a new understanding of money: that God will help us to recognize money as a means to fulfill our responsibilities rather than an end in itself
For all children, particularly those who lack food, homes, or healthcare: that God will guide us in providing for these little ones
For all who are suffering: that God will heal the sick and those who have suffered abuse, free those caught in addiction, and give hope and strength to those who are recovering from hurricanes, flooding, and fires
For refugees and displaced people: that God will give them courage as they seek lives free of violence and intimidation, and that they may find welcoming new communities
For Peace: that God will open doors to negotiations and the end of warfare in all the areas plagued by violence
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time – September 15, 2024
For the Church: that our profession of Jesus as the Christ may be manifest through laying down our lives in service for others and in allowing God to raise us to life
For freedom of spirit: that God will free us from the narrow vision of who we want Jesus to be and open us to all that Jesus is and all that Jesus desires to do for us
For the grace to deny our very selves: that we may surrender our plans and ambitions to God, embrace our responsibilities for today, and follow Christ each day
For greater fidelity: that when we feel confused or inadequate in our life, we may trust God to show us the way that will lead to life
For integrity: that the words we profess and the deeds we do consistently manifest the Gospel that we have heard
For a living and dynamic faith: that the Spirit will strengthen us to confront evil, show compassion for the wounded, work for peace and justice, and manifest God’s reign amongst us
For all who suffer for the sake of the Gospel: that God will strengthen suffering Christians, help them to be faithful witnesses, and fill their hearts with peace
For Pope Francis and all leaders in the Church: that God will give them wisdom in addressing the wounds in the Church and guide them in renewing and restoring the community of faith
For all catechists: that they may effectively lead those entrusted to them to a deeper knowledge and love of God and grow in their own love of God in the coming months
For the poor in our midst: that we may neither ignore them nor rationalize away their suffering but extend our hearts and hands to assist them
For all who do not believe in Jesus: that the Spirit will touch their hearts and open them to experience the words of Jesus that bring life
For all who spend their lives serving others: that God will guide emergency personnel each day, give strength to all who care for the sick, and inspire many young people to join them in serving others
For all who have suffered loss from flooding, wildfires, home fires, or drought: that God will heal their pain, protect them from further harm, give them hope, and touch the hearts of many to assist them
For peace: that God will turn hearts from violence and revenge in all troubled areas of the world, protect the innocent from harm and bring forth a new season of justice and peace
For all victims of shootings: that God will heal them physically and emotionally, sustain all impacted by shootings, and give eternal rest to those who have died
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – September 1, 2024
For the Church: that we may experience a deeper conversion of mind and heart as we allow God's Word to instruct and free us
For a deepening of gratitude: that we may be grateful to God for every blessing and gift, and develop them fully for God’s glory
For the gift of spiritual freedom: that God will liberate us from the defenses of legalism and rationalism so that we may serve God wherever God calls us
For wisdom: that God will teach us how to live the virtues of the Christian life and manifest them in new ways in our contemporary society
For a greater knowledge of ourselves: that God will help us discern our motivations and make life-giving choices each day
For all who hand on the faith, particularly preachers, catechists, and parents: that they may share the faith clearly and convincingly, and lead others into an experience of God’s great love
For conversion from our hypocrisies: that we may recognize where we say one thing and live by another so that we may come to greater integrity and wholeness
For all who have experienced the evil of human hearts: that God will heal the pain of those who have experienced abuse, discrimination, or human trafficking and fill them with hope for the future
For all searching for work: that God will guide them to opportunities to use their gifts and talents and grow as persons
For all who are suffering from natural disasters and for those assisting them: that God will calm the wildfires, relieve those oppressed by heat and drought, and sustain all who are helping them
For Wisdom: that God will help us hear and discern the truth during the election process, and help us to respect each person as we recognize their strengths and weaknesses
For all experiencing a surge of Covid infections: that God will heal and all from serious illness, persevere those at elevated risk of infection from harm, and give strength to all who are assisting them
For safety in schools: that God will watch over all schools and protect them from violence, bullying, and viruses
For peace: that God will inspire the leaders of nations and peace-talk negotiators with ways to resolve issues, bring and end to violence, provide for the well-being all civilians
For all who labor: that God will renew and strengthen all who work to advance the good of society, protect them from harm, and help them to use their gifts and talents fully
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time – August 25, 2024
For the Church: that we may daily choose to follow Christ and find the fulfillment of all our deepest longings in Him
For openness of spirit: that we may hear the words of Jesus as the words of eternal life and put them into practice each day
For inner freedom: that we may have the freedom of spirit to grow in Christ and never be enslaved by power, money, fame, or work
For the grace to love unselfishly: that we may place the needs and welfare of others ahead of our interests just as Christ laid down his life out of love for us
For daily strength: that in times of confusion and trial, we may find encouragement and light in the words of Jesus that bring us spirit and life
For the ability to reverence one another: that we may recognize Christ in one another and strive to honor and encourage each other toward wholeness
For all who are skeptics: that the integrity of our lives will offer convincing witness to God’s presence and action in our world today
For all who turned away from Christ and the Christian Community: that the Holy Spirit will awaken within them the flame of faith and help them hear Jesus’ invitation to life and community
For all who are beginning a new semester, particularly those who are going away for the first time: that God will guide and protect them in the months ahead and help them to grow in wisdom, knowledge, and love
For all spouses: that God will strengthen their commitment to one another and help them to offer mutual support to each other along the journey of life
For all couples preparing for marriage: that God will deepen their love for each other and help them to honor God’s life and presence in one another
For a deepening of awe and awareness regarding human life: that we may appreciate the mystery of God's gift of life in all people and work to protect it from the beginning until natural death
For scientists who study climate and environment: that God will guide and inspire their work as they seek to understand the factors that impact our weather systems
For all who are suffering from the power of nature: that God will heal their pain from loss following floods, wildfires, or hurricanes, renew their hope, and give them strength to rebuild their lives
For Peace: that God will guide the peace negotiations and bring an end to war and violence throughout the world
For the Feast of St Louis:
For the Church of St Louis: that God will give us the desire and strength to love God with our whole self and our neighbor as ourselves
For continued growth in virtue: that the Spirit will help us to be kind, compassionate, and forgiving so that all we say and do may manifest Christ to others
For all who exercise authority whether in religion, business, education, or government: that they may recognize God as the source of all authority and use their power for promoting justice and the common good
For the people of this City, University, and Archdiocese: that the example of St. Louis may inspire us to love the Gospel, care for the sick and the needy, and be faithful to those to whom we are committed
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time – August 18, 2024
For the Church: that we, who eat the living bread and drink the blood of life, may grow in our relationship with Christ and raised up on the last day
For a renewal of God’s Spirit in our hearts: that God will pour out the Spirit upon us in new ways so that we may make the most of every opportunity given us by God
For the gift of Wisdom: that partaking of Wisdom’s table of the Word of God, we may grasp the meaning and purpose of the life that God offers us
For unity amongst Christians: that all who bear the name Christian will work toward healing the wounds of the Body of Christ and sharing common worship
For a deeper appreciation of the Eucharist: that as we eat His body and drink His blood, we may recognize ourselves as part of the Body of Christ and continue the mission of Jesus to bring life to others
For a transformation of our eating habits: that the Spirit will guide us to better eating habits and greater concern for the ethical aspects of our food consumption
For our nation: that leaders of government and business will be led by the wisdom of God to choose good rather than evil, honesty rather than deceit, and service rather than greed
For all who hunger for freedom, for respect, and for meaning in life: that through the words of Christ and the witness of Christians, they may find fulfillment for the longings of their hearts
For those with food addictions: that the Spirit will free them, help them find the assistance that they need, and discover fulfillment for their lives in new ways
For greater patience with ourselves and our loved ones: that we may slow down enough to appreciate all the gifts with which we have been blessed and to nurture those relationships that bring us life
For all who are recovering from the natural disasters and for those who are assisting them: that God will give them strength, ease their suffering and fill their hearts with hope
For all students preparing to leave for college: that God will guide them during their time away, help them to make wise decisions, give them strength to live the values that they profess
For the presbyters who serve our community: that they will be witnesses of Christ’s loving service as they lead us into deeper communion with God and one another
For greater care and respect for God’s creation: that the Spirit will guide our choices in the use and protection of earth’s resources
For the growth of peace, particularly in the Middle East and between Ukraine and Russia: that leaders of nations may have wisdom and courage to find new paths to promote the good of the human family
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – August 11, 2024
For the Church: that we may seek Christ, the Bread of Life, to fulfill the hungers and yearnings of our hearts and for the nourishment that we need for our daily journey
For the grace to imitate Christ: that God will enable us to put on the mind and heart of Christ and thus manifest God’s compassion and forgiveness to others
For the grace to encounter Christ: that we may recognize Christ in each person that we meet and affirm the dignity God has given them
For the grace to forgive one another: that, having experienced God’s generous forgiveness to us, we may be free to forgive all who have wronged us
For a new vision for our life journey: that we may be open to the vision God holds for us and that we may trust God as we encounter daily trials, struggles, and doubts
For a transformation of our minds and hearts: that the Holy Spirit will free us from all bitterness and anger and guide us in living as children of God each day
For all who have been wounded by the anger and malice of others: that God will heal their hearts, renew their spirits, and free them to live life fully
For healing of racism: that the Holy Spirit will open us to the prejudice and discrimination that exists within us and in the society around us so that we may see others as God sees them
For the grace to live as Christ did: that, like Christ, we may lay down our lives in sacrificial love to those to whom we are committed and for those who have been entrusted to our care
For those who have been evicted from their homes or who are facing eviction: that God will move leaders to act to protect them and free up the needed resources for their safe shelter and food
For greater respect for human life: that God will move hearts from seeking revenge and violence and guide us in promoting forgiveness and reconciliation
For relief from wildfires and heat: that God will help all who are fighting the wildfires, give strength to those who have evacuated their homes, and give relief to those working outdoors or who have no air conditioning
For those who have experienced abuse: that God will help their voices be heard, heal their pain, and give them strength to live their lives each day
For Peace: that God will break the cycle of violence and revenge that stokes bloodshed between nations and within neighborhoods so that all may live safely
For all who have died: that they may share in the fullness of eternal life to which the Bread of Life introduced them
General Intercession Ideas for the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – August 4, 2024
For the Church: that we may find the fulfillment of the deepest hungers of our hearts and the total nourishment of our spirits in Christ
For the grace of conversion: that we may lay aside our old habits and attitudes that rob us of life and become new persons of love and service in Christ
For openness: that God will open our minds and hearts to recognize the manna that God sends into our lives and give us the courage to utilize it
For a spirit of understanding: that Christ will free us from narrow thinking and help us take on the mind of Christ so that we may see and understand God’s vision for life
For a deepening of trust in God’s providence: that we may live in the present and be freed from the compulsions to hoard or stockpile
For the grace to be satisfied: that we may appreciate all the blessings and opportunities that God has given us rather than complain about that which we do not possess
For all who are experiencing the wilderness in their life’s journey: that they may encounter Christ in their loneliness or emptiness, receive a new vision in their confusion, and draw strength from Christ when the path ahead seems endless
For freedom from grumbling and complaining: that we may be transformed by Christ and come to a new understanding of the people and the situations that lead us to negativity
For strength on our daily journey: that we find our nourishment and renewal in the Word of God and the Eucharist for all our commitments and responsibilities each day
For business and government leaders who have responsibility for food: that they will strive with new effort to alleviate the hunger and needs of the poor, refugees, and the victims of war
For all who are participating in the Olympics: that God will protect them from harm and help them to use their gifts fully for God’s glory
For all who have recently experienced the Covid virus: that God will subdue the virus, heal the sick, and protect all who are close to them
For all who are suffering: that God will provide hope and safety to those who have fled wildfires, courage to all who are fighting the fires, and rain for all who need it
For better stewardship of earth's resources: that government and business leaders will recognize the impact of their practices upon the environment and work to promote good stewardship of the air, land, and water
For an end to nuclear proliferation: that God will guide us away from nuclear weapons and the possibility of destroying the earth so that future generations may enjoy the richness of God’s creation
For all who will be voting this week: that the Spirit of God will help them recognize the candidates who will serve with honesty and integrity and give them insight as they make their decisions on candidates and issues
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Feat of St Ignatius and the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 26, 2024
For the Church: that all that we do, all that we say, all that we accomplish, may be for the greater glory of God
For the grace of discernment: that we may recognize God in our lives, in events, and in each other; and choose to serve God with all of our choices
For the Society of Jesus: that God will bless and strengthen the members of the society and call forth others to join them in continuing the mission
For all the ministries and apostolates of the Society of Jesus, for parishes, universities, high schools, academies, publications, healthcare and social ministries: that God will make fruitful these ministries as they proclaim Christ to the world and seek to serve Christ in all things
For the Church: that we may be open to God’s generous love and be filled with gratitude for all the ways God has provided for us
For a spirit of generosity: that we may be free to share the blessings, the wisdom, and the hope God has given us with all who hunger and thirst for a fuller life
For the grace to rely upon God’s providence: that we may entrust to God all our needs, large and small, and rely upon God’s abundant loving care for us
For the grace to bear with one another: that God will give us patience and gentleness to bear with one another through our differences in marriages, families, workplaces, and faith communities so that we can better help one another follow God’s call
For all who must carry the cross daily: that God will strengthen them, help them to experience that God is with them, and renew their spirits
For unity amongst all believers: that the Spirit of God who has brought us into the one body through baptism will draw us into common prayer and service of God’s reign
For all grandparents and elderly relations and friends: that we may affirm their gifts and dreams and draw from their wisdom and insights as we plan for our tomorrows
For a deeper awareness of the hungers of our hearts: that God will help us to recognize our deepest desires that God has planted within us and guide us in bringing them to fulfillment
For the courage to serve others: that we may be open to opportunities to meet the needs of others and to generously respond to them even if our gifts or time seem too limited
For all who are on service trips this summer: that their efforts may enrich the lives of those they meet and that they may learn from those with whom they work
For all who bring food to our table each day: that God will bless abundantly those who farm, transport, stock the shelves, and cook the food we eat and provide for them and their families
For all who hunger for freedom: that God will free, heal and restore hope to those imprisoned unjustly, caught in human trafficking, or living under oppressive systems
For all who are traveling: that God will guide their way and bring them safely to their destination
For all who endure hunger each day, particularly orphans, refugees, and the marginalized: that God will open avenues for food to reach them and help our hearts to be more sensitive to their needs and more aware of our abundance
For all who are suffering: that God will send rain to end the drought, guide those fighting wildfires, and give strength to those recovering from disasters
For all participating in the Olympics: that God will protect them from harm, help each participant to compete or fulfill their duties well, and advance a spirit of fellowship among the nations of the world
For peace: that God will free minds and hearts from violence and open the doorways to reconciliation and understanding
For all who have died, especially the members of the Society of Jesus, the alumni of Saint Louis University and the former parishioners of the College Church: that they may live forever in the fullness of God’s light and love
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – July 21, 2024
For the Church: that we may be witnesses to God’s message, expressions of God’s nurturing love, and instruments of God’s healing care to all who are burdened by life
For those overwhelmed by activity: that God will help them to slow down and be aware of the gifts and blessings that are in their life each day
For unity: that through Christ's victory over death, the divisions in the human family may be dissolved and the wounds of racism and prejudice be healed
For a spirit of compassion: that God will touch our hearts with care and concern for all who find life burdensome, demanding, or burdensome
For Pope Francis and the bishops: that they may have the hearts of true shepherds, encouraging God’s people, and leading us into greater unity
For all who exercise leadership: that they may place their gifts unselfishly in the service of others and draw forth the skills of others for the fulfillment of God's work
For all who offer retreats and places of solitude: that they will assist others in finding rest and in deepening their relationship with God
For all who serve in ministry: that God will bless their efforts, help them keep their lives in balance, and work through them to show a shepherd’s care to those whom they lead
For support and renewal: that God will show a shepherd's care to refugees, those displaced by violence, and those living under oppressive governments and help them find the resources that they need for life
For all living in densely populated settings: that they may find a space apart where they can find silence and experience God’s presence within them and around them
For all who have suffered abuse: that God's loving compassion will fill them with hope and courage and heal their bodies, minds, and spirits
For all who are suffering: that God will strengthen those recovering from natural disasters, give hope to those who have lost their homes, and give peace to those who are mourning
For all who are gathering for the Olympic games: that God will grant them safe travel, good companionship, and protection from harm
For the Jewish and Christian communities of faith: that God will heal the wounds that exist, open new opportunities for cooperation, and help us be faithful witnesses to God's presence and action in the world
For patience and insight: that God will help parents and young people who are in conflict, bring them to a better understanding of each other, and lead them to new respect and cooperation
Universal Prayers Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – July 14, 2024
Reader: FOR THE CHURCH: that we may find our identity in our relationship with God instead of in the allurements of possessions, accomplishments, or power, let us pray to the Lord …
FOR THE SOCIETY OF OUR MOTHER OF PEACE: that God will help them bring the Gospel to distant places, strengthen them, and make fruitful their missionary work, let us pray to the Lord
FOR ALL MISSIONARIES: that God will inspire the message that they offer, help them to recognize how they can best serve their communities, and sustain them in times of loneliness, let us pray to the Lord …
FOR THE GRACE TO TRAVEL LIGHTLY: that God will show us how to live the reign of God through vulnerability, journeying with Christ, and reliance on one another, let us pray to the Lord …
FOR OUR COMPANIONS ON THE FAITH JOURNEY: that we may be faithful witnesses with our family, friends, co-workers, and fellow parishioners to the work of God in one another's lives, let us pray to the Lord …
FOR ALL WHO ARE SUFFERING: that God will bring healing to the sick, assistance those recovering from floods, places of welcome for refugees, and peace to all experiencing violence, let us pray to the Lord …
FOR ALL WHO HAVE DIED, PARTICULARLY, BUTCH. HENNING, BRPTHER-IN-LAW OF JESUIT FATHER MIKE HARTER: that Christ will welcome them into the eternal rest and peace of God’s presence, let us pray to the Lord …
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time – June 16, 2024
For the Church: that the seed of faith planted in the heart of each believer may grow into a bountiful manifestation of God’s reign in the world
For a deeper love and appreciation for God’s Word: that the Word of God will nourish and enrich us as we strive to be true disciples of Jesus
For a renewal of faith: that the Spirit will enable us to live in a trusting reliance with God who is always faithful and who desires to share life with us
For all fathers and those who have shown the Father’s love to us: that God will make them beacons of light, sources of encouragement and grant them peace and health
For growth in hope: that God’s faithful love will sustain us in times of discouragement and empower us to persevere through difficult times with the confidence that God makes all things new
For the tender shoots in our midst: that God will give abundant growth for the young, to those new to the faith, and those beginning their ministry and guide them to maturity of faith and service
For a spirit of Evangelization: that we may scatter God’s Word through our work, daily activities, and conversations so that many people may encounter Christ today
For fledgling Christian communities and new parishes and dioceses: that God will bless their efforts, confirm them in faith, and guide their activities so that the Gospel may transform hearts and society
For a bountiful harvest: that God will grant growth to crops, seasonable weather, and protection from disease so that all may be nourished and sustained by the fruits of the earth
For a renewal of stewardship: that we may recognize our gifts of time, talent, and treasure that God has entrusted to us and place these at the service of God and one another
For the sick: that God will bless and strengthen those preparing for or recovering from surgery, restore them to health, and fill their hearts with peace
For all who are in need: that God will protect all the innocent in areas of warfare, strengthen all who have lost homes, and comfort all who are homebound
For public officials: that God will help them to fulfill their duties, seek the truth and the common good in all the issues that arise, and be open to learning from one another
For safety and protection: that God will guide those responsible for safeguarding our personal, medical, and public data to greater awareness and insight as they work against destructive attacks and ransomware intrusions
For peace: that God will help world leaders to dialogue honestly so that violence may end, the weak and innocent may be protected, and that the dignity of each person may be respected
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – June 9, 2024
For the Church: that we may truly be the family of God, taking the Word of God to heart, fulfilling God’s will with our words and deeds, and being a sister or brother to one another
For a spirit of hope: that all who are experiencing affliction may, like St Paul, draw strength from the resurrection of Christ and be renewed within, so that they may give witness and glory to God
For growth in faith: that amid sufferings and trials, God will help us to rely upon God’s strength and power so that we may give witness to the Gospel
For the gift of discernment: that we may recognize the work of God within and around us, cooperate with it more fully, and never be deceived by the glamour of evil
For all who do not know God or believe in God’s love: that God will encounter them in gentle ways and open their hearts to God’s great love for them
For all who are bound by guilt from past deeds: that Christ will free them, refresh their inner selves, and give them a new vision for life and service
For guidance: that God will inspire all who are confronting the powers of evil and help them to bring freedom to those entrapped by addictions, prejudice, human trafficking, or violence
For couples who are struggling in their marriage relationship: that the Spirit will help them recognize the gift that they are to each other and open new levels of communication and understanding
For all who are on service trips: that God will protect them from harm, help them to share their talents with others, and help them to learn from those whom they visit
For all who are ill: that the Spirit of God will give comfort to those who are ill, strength to those facing surgery, and renew the gift of life within all who desire wholeness
For all who are grieving: that God will comfort them in their time of loss and fill their hearts with peace
For all who are traveling: that God will watch over them, protect them from harm, and help them to have good visits at their destinations
For all who have been impacted by floods, volcanoes, or tornadoes: that God will help them rebuild their lives, give them strength to face their challenges, and touch the hearts of many to assist them
For the protection of the air we breathe: that God will help us preserve the quality of air, reducing the pollutants, and guide us in preserving it for the good of all the human family
For the gift of peace: that God will help the leaders of nations to recognize the dignity of each person and bring an end to the warfare in Gaza, Ukraine, and Sudan
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ – June 2, 2024
For the Church, many members yet one body: that we may grow in unity and love as we manifest Christ’s saving love in the world
For renewal of our identity: that through our reception of the Body and Blood of Christ, we may recognize ourselves as part of the Body of Christ today and commit ourselves to continuing the mission of Jesus today
For courage to lay down our lives like Christ: that through our sharing in the Eucharist, we may be strengthened to give ourselves in loving service to all those to whom we are committed and to those who are in need
For grateful hearts: that we may grow in our awareness of all God’s blessings and make use of all the opportunities that exist to use them
For strength of spirit: that we may embrace the sufferings and challenges of life with courage and allow God to lead us through them to new life
For all who are unable to share in the Eucharist, particularly those who are being persecuted for the faith: that the Word of God and the love of fellow Christians may bring them strength and support
For all who are hungry, particularly refugees and those displaced by violence: that God will provide them with food for their bodies and friendship for their spirits
For all priests: that they may serve as Christ served, show God's compassion to those in need, and lead the Church in giving praise and thanks to God
For all Eucharistic ministers, particularly those who bring communion to the sick: that they will grow ever closer to Christ and be signs of God’s love to those with whom they share the sacrament
For all who are approaching death: that they may draw strength from the Body and Blood of Christ and find the fulfillment of their faith in Christ at the eternal heavenly banquet
For the protection of the fresh waters of the earth: that God will guide us in keeping the waters free from chemicals and other pollutants so that the human family and all God's creatures may have safe water for drinking
For all who are suffering: that God will help the unemployed to find work, open resources to the homeless, protect runaway children, and free those experiencing abuse
For Christian Unity: that God will heal the wounds and mistrust between Christians, help them work together for God’s glory, and speed the day when all can share the Body of Christ at a common altar
For healing: that God will restore all who have had surgery, give hope and strength to those being treated for cancer, and mend the broken bones and spirits of those who have been injured
For peace: that Christ will heal the human family of greed and violence, bring an end to warfare between Israel and Palestinians and between Ukrainians and Russians, and initiate a season of justice for all
Universal Prayer Ideas for Pentecost – May 19, 2024
For the Church: that God will pour out the Spirit in a new and abundant way to renew all believers and strengthen us to further the mission of Jesus
For healing of the human family: that God will heal the divisions between women and men, poor and rich, and every race so that we may work together for the good of every person and the fulfillment of God’s plan
For a flourishing of the fruits of the Spirit: that we may manifest love, joy, peace, and all the fruits of the Spirit in our lives
For the grace to live in the truth: that the Spirit of God will lead us into a greater understanding of who we are and of what God is asking of us
For all gathered here: that we may fully use the gifts of the Spirit to encourage one another on our journeys of faith and build up the Body of Christ
For all who announce the Good News: that they may faithfully, fearlessly, and joyously announce God’s loving presence and generous forgiveness
For all young adults: that the Spirit will help them recognize their gifts and talents and stir up within them a desire to use their gifts for God's glory and the good of the Christian community
For a renewed sense of mission: that the Spirit will inspire us in confronting the watered-down values of society and in building a society of justice and peace
For all who have been initiated into the new life of Christ this Easter season: that they may continue to listen to God, build up the Church, and grow in love
For Christian unity: that the Spirit will bring forth forgiveness for past wounds, a new spirit of trust, and opportunities to work and pray together for God’s glory
For all who are ill: that the Spirit will heal all who are suffering, restore them to their loved ones, and give strength to all who care for them
For all who are being ordained this spring: that God will guide and sustain them as they serve the people of God
For all who are graduating this spring: that God will guide them in using their gifts and talents so that they will enrich the world and spread hope and peace through their efforts
For all who are suffering from the power of nature: that God will give strength to those who have experienced excessive rainfall, flooding, and tornadoes and open the pathway for the assistance that they need
For the gift of Peace: that God will send the Spirt across the earth to dissolve the hatred in human hearts, free the earth from nuclear weapons, and open dialogues to end violence and establish justice
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Solemnity of the Ascension – May 9 or 12, 2024
For the Church: that, empowered by the Spirit, we may faithfully give witness to the Gospel and continue Christ’s mission of bringing hope and healing to all
For all who are awaiting the gift of the Holy Spirit: that their hearts may be open and their spirits receptive to all the gifts of God
For a spirit of evangelization: that we may allow the Spirit to work through our words, deeds, and relationships to draw others to Christ
For a deepening of our relationship with God: that through hearing God’s call more clearly, we may love others as God has loved us and continue the mission of Jesus today
For the grace to be fearless: that we may follow God’s call confidently and trust that God will guide and protect us through all challenging situations
For those who face the future with apprehension and uncertainty: that God will enlighten their path and give them peace
For all who are recovering from natural disasters: that God will give them strength, protect them from further danger, and open the hearts of many to assist them
For greater unity in the Church: that we may be one in faith, one in hope, and one in the peace of the Holy Spirit
For all who struggle with doubts: that the Spirit of Christ will free their minds and bring understanding to their hearts
For all who work to bring food to our tables: that God will bless them with seasonable weather and a bountiful harvest
For all missionaries: that God will help them to announce the Good News boldly and sustain their spirits as they help build the church
For the unmasking of racism: that God will help us recognize the variety of forms which discrimination takes and give us the courage to defeat it
For an end to unrest on campuses: that God will open paths for dialogue, clear minds, and hearts of mistrust, and bring forth new possibilities for resolution of conflicts
For all who are graduating this spring: that God will guide them to places where they continue to grow, use their gifts for the good of others, and to places of safety and health
For the gift of peace: that the reign of Christ will inspire leaders to respect the life and needs of all people, bring an end to violence in areas of warfare, and open opportunities for the distribution of food and medicine to those who are suffering
(Sunday) For all mothers and those who have shown us a mother’s love: that God will watch over them, bless them with every good gift, and fill their hearts with peace
Universal Prayer Ideas for April 28, 2024 – Fifth Sunday of Easter
For the Church: that we may continually draw life from Christ and bear a rich harvest of virtues and Gospel values for God’s glory
For all who help others deepen their relationship with God: that parents, catechists, catechumenate leaders, and spiritual directors may continue to grow in their relationship with God so that they can support the growth of others
For the grace to surrender: that God will help us to let go of those things which need to be pruned so that God’s life and love may blossom in our lives
For all who are experiencing pruning through loss, transition, or change: that God will give them strength, guide them, and help them find courage and support through fellow believers
For all who feel cut off from God, friends, themselves, or life itself: that God will help them to recognize that God is with them and from whom they can draw life
For all who see themselves as spiritual but not religious: that they may discover God’s presence in this community and develop a new understanding of church through relationships with us
For a renewed spirit of evangelization: that the Spirit will help us to give witness to the good news of God’s love in deeds of loving service and justice
For those entering retirement: that they may find new ways to use their gifts and share their learned wisdom with younger generations
For all who are ill: that Christ the source of all life will ease their pain, heal their illness, and restore them to their loved ones
For Christians facing persecution: that God will give them strength, wisdom to overcome obstacles, and the grace to forgive their persecutors
For all bound by guilt or scruples: that the Spirit will free them and give them strength to trust in God’s love and forgiveness
For all who are considering suicide: that God will open them to the beauty of life, free them from self-condemnation, and help them to recognize the love that others have for them
For all who are suffering from natural disasters: that God will give them strength, protect them from harm, and speed the resources that they need
For couples preparing for marriage: that God will help them grow in faithfulness, communicate well, and develop the best in each other
For an end to violence and warfare: that God will turn hearts from destructive deeds, help leaders to let go of pride and seek a common good, and protect the innocent from harm
Universal Prayer Ideas for April 21, 2024 – Fourth Sunday of Easter
For the Church: that the Holy Spirit will guide us in distinguishing the voice of the Good Shepherd from all the other messages that we hear and help us to respond to all of Christ's invitations faithfully
For a spirit of openness: that we may allow the saving work of Jesus to heal us and bring us to wholeness so that the power of the resurrection may be manifest to all the human family
For Pope Francis: that God will give him strength and health, help him model the dedication of the Good Shepherd, and help him be a source of encouragement for all church leaders
For bishops, priests, and all who minister in the Church: that they may draw strength and inspiration from the Good Shepherd, model in word and deed Christ’s dedication to the children of God, and serve their communities with the heart of the Good Shepherd
For all who are laying down their lives in caring for sick children, the developmentally disabled, the elderly, or the terminally ill: that God will renew them and fill them with energy and love
For all who are searching for direction in life: that the Good Shepherd will find them and lead them to a fuller life with purpose and a sense of belonging
For more excellent stewardship of the earth: that God will inspire us to care for God’s creation and clean up our water, air, and cities so that all may live in a healthy environment
For all who are preparing for Confirmation this spring: that they will be open to the gifts that the Holy Spirit offers them and that they will enrich the church with their talents and energy
For all run-away teens: that the Good Shepherd will care for them and lead them to a place of safety and healing
For all who are burdened by debt in the third world: that the Good Shepherd will touch hearts and open our understanding toward the longings and hopes of all who struggle with poverty
For all who have neglected their responsibilities as pastoral leaders: that the Good Shepherd will heal those who have been injured and transform these leaders into true shepherds to God’s people
For all discerning their life calling: that young people may listen carefully to God’s invitations and courageously respond to God with trusting faith and generous love
For children in dangerous situations: that God will protect the refugee children, those who live in areas of warfare and violence, or whose home life is volatile or unsafe from harm and injury
For leaders of nations: that God will give them a heart like the Good Shepherd, compassion toward those who are suffering, and wisdom to develop policies that advance the common good
For Peace: that God will bring an end to warfare and violence in Ukraine, the Middle East, East Africa, and Haiti and protect everyone from mass shootings and acts of terrorism
Universal Prayer Ideas for April 18, 2021 – Third Sunday of Easter
For the Church: that the Spirit will open our minds to understand the Scriptures and empower us to share the message of God’s love and forgiveness with all whom we encounter
For the grace of forgiveness: that we will be open to God’s free and generous forgiveness, and strive to forgive others as we have been forgiven
For all children who are receiving First Communion this spring: that they will experience God’s love for them and God’s care and protection each day
For the grace of recognition: that we may come to know Jesus in the breaking of the Bread and the sharing of the scriptures so that we may be dynamic disciples
For the gift of faith: that we will depend more fully on God in every aspect of our lives and grow in our confidence that God who will never abandon us
For all who are broken and wounded: that they may find healing in Christ and that our awareness of the wounds of Christ may help us grow in compassion and understanding
For all who feel bound by their past: that God will heal and free them so that they may live life fully
For the members of Congress: that God will give them wisdom and guide their deliberations so that the best approaches may be found to act upon the critical issues confronting our nation
For healing of the wounds of racism and prejudice: that God will help us to recognize the dignity of each person and work to heal the wounds and divisions that exist
For refugees and immigrants: that God will lead them to safety and help them find communities for support and opportunities to use their talents for the good of others
For a spirit of stewardship: that we may make wise use of the resources of the earth and protect the soil, air, and water for future generations
For protection of healthcare workers in areas of warfare and violence: that God will protect and sustain all who care for the sick, and seek to assist the wounded toward recovery and wellbeing
For all who are struggling: that in their pain, they recognize God’s presence with them, never lose hope, and rely upon God’s strength and grace to sustain them
For protection from violence and mass shootings: that God will protect the human family from destructive violence and the shooting of innocent persons
For an end to the development and proliferation of weapons that can destroy humanity: that God will free nations from fear and inspire them to promote education and development opportunities for their people
Universal Prayer Ideas for April 7, 2024 – Second Sunday in Easter
For the Church: that through the gift of the Spirit, we recognize God’s presence with us and profess with Thomas, “My Lord and My God”
For all the newly baptized: that their faith may continue to grow and that they may generously offer loving service to those in need
For the gift of peace: that Christ’s gift may abide with us and sustain us through all the challenges of life
For our growth as children of God: that God will give us the grace to love God with all our hearts, keep God’s commandments, and fulfill the commitments that we have made
For the grace of reconciliation: that God will help us to turn from selfishness, forgive those who have injured us, and be instruments of reconciliation in our society
For Confessors, Spiritual Directors, and all ministers of reconciliation: that the Holy Spirit will give them wisdom and insight to help others recognize the length and breadth of God’s love and mercy
For a renewed desire for the sacrament of penance: that God will help us recognize the healing and power that one can experience in the sacrament
For all who are questioning their faith or God's presence in their lives: that the Spirit will guide them to new insights, help them recognize God’s presence through the gifts that they have, and through the examples of Christian love and service that they witness
For a renewal of our faith communities: that, like the early church, we may see the needs of others as our needs and open our hearts and resources to assist them
For a blossoming of faith: that God will enrich our faith so that we may be victors over the lies, illusions, and false promises that our society glorifies
For children orphaned by war or disasters: that God will protect them from harm and guide them to a safe and nurturing community
For all who are in need, particularly those recovering from natural disasters or who lack resources for daily living: that God will give them strength, help them to trust, and move the hearts of many to assist them
For healing: that the Spirit will renew the gift of life in all who are sick, discouraged, struggling with addictions, or experiencing the weakness that comes with aging
For an end to violence: that Christ's victory over death will turn hearts from violence and revenge toward reconciliation and respect for each human life
For peace: that the Spirit will open hearts to new respect for other people, end the violence in Ukraine, Gaza, Sudan, and Haiti, and open a new season of peace and justice
Universal Prayer Ideas for March 31, 2024 – Easter Sunday
For the Church: that we may radiate the light of Christ each day and confidently live as daughters and sons of God
For all the newly baptized: that they may faithfully follow Jesus and keep the light of Christ burning in their lives
For all children: that they may live and grow in peace, celebrating God's love each day of their life
For all the baptized: that Christ will pour out the Spirit upon us and enable us to continue the mission of bringing hope, meaning, and love to our society
For all who find themselves walking in darkness or doubting their faith: that they may encounter the Risen Lord who brings light to their journey and peace to their hearts
For healing of hearts and relationships: that the Risen Lord will open the path to reconciliation and healing in families, communities, and amongst co-worker.
For all who struggle for peace and justice: that God will provide a new springtime of faith that will yield an abundant harvest to their efforts
For all who are suffering: that the Risen Lord will bring hope, safety, and new opportunities to the poor, the unemployed, refugees, immigrants, and run-away children
For all who are ill: that Christ will heal the sick, strengthen those facing an extended recovery, and give courage to those facing surgery
For all who are recovering from storms and natural disasters: that God will heal the injured, protect people from further harm, give them peace and hope, and open the hearts of many to assist them
For all who are starving, particularly the children in Haiti, Gaza, and Sudan: that God will remove the obstacles to food delivery and open the hearts of many to assist them
For all who are alone or isolated: that the joy of Christ's resurrection will renew their spirits and that they may find strength in God's abiding presence
For all who are grieving: that God will give them peace and hope as they hear the Good News of Christ’s resurrection
For all who have died, particularly those who died from violence or neglect, and for those who will die today: that Christ may welcome them into the eternal light and joy of God’s presence
For the gift of peace: that the Spirit of God will bring forth a springtime of peace amongst nations and within our cities so that all people may live in safety and with dignity
Universal Prayer Ideas for March 30, 2024 – Easter Vigil
For the Church: that we will continue to be instruments of Christ's light for all who live in darkness, of hope for all who know pain, and of love for all who experience rejection
For all the newly baptized: that they may be faithful disciples of Jesus, bearers of the light of Christ in their lives, and witnesses to Christ in their words and deeds
For all who have been received into full communion or completed their Christian Initiation: that they will persevere faithfully in all that God asks of them, enrich the Church community with their gifts, and manifest the reign of God in their lives
For all the human family: that we who have been created in the image and likeness of God may recognize our identity as God’s people and respect the gift of life in one another
For all of creation: that God will guide us in protecting and preserving the earth that God saw to be very good so that our descendants may share in God’s generous gifts
For the rebirth of the human community: that the powers of evil manifested by death, racism, poverty, and disease may be conquered by Christ's victory
For all who yearn for liberation: that God will lead to freedom and wholeness all who are held unjustly, bound by addiction, oppressed by poverty, caught in warfare, or living with gun violence
For all who are called to make a sacrifice: that God will give them the grace to trust and be open to the greater good that God can bring forth through their surrender and love
For all who thirst for something more in life: that they may come to the living water that satisfies all the longings of the human heart
For all in this Community: that renewed through word and sacrament, we may be strong in faith, confident in hope, and abounding with love for God and neighbor
For all who do not have faith in the Resurrection: that God will touch their hearts and lead them to an encounter with the Risen Lord
For the grace of reconciliation and healing, for families that are divided; for churches and communities that are at odds; and for nations that are in conflict: that the power of the Resurrection may bring new opportunities for healing, growth, and reconciliation
For a deepening of our commitments: that having renewed our baptismal promises, God will strengthen us to be faithful to our life commitments and instruments of God’s love and compassion
For all who are oppressed and burdened: that God will heal the sick, guide refugees to supportive communities, open resources to those who lack food, medicine, or shelter, and assist all who are recovering from natural disasters
For Peace: that Christ’s victory over death will bring an end to war and violence in Gaza, Ukraine, Haiti, and Sudan, and bring a new season of healing and justice
Universal Prayer Ideas for March 28, 2024 – The Lord’s Supper
For the Church: that we may live like Jesus and spend our lives in loving service, washing the feet, carrying the burdens, and comforting the brokenness of one another
For the grace to love: that we may love one another as Christ has loved us, forgive our enemies, and affirm the dignity of each person
For greater awareness: that we may recognize God's presence in the community that is gathered, in the Word that is proclaimed, in those who are ordained, and in the Holy Eucharist as we gather for worship
For the grace of unity: that divisions may be healed amongst churches, within families, and amongst racial groups, unity restored, and that we may support one another in bringing forth the reign of God
For all who are gathered here: that through our sharing in the Body and Blood of Christ, we may more fully become the Body of Christ and give faithful witness until Christ comes again
For those who cannot eat at the table of the Lord: that our love, friendship, and service may offer them an experience of God's love, a sense of community, and support for life's journey
For those to whom we are committed, particularly our families, communities, and friends: that we may be faithful to them and a source of God’s life and love for them
For our brothers who are priests: that they may be strengthened and renewed by God’s love, and following the example of Jesus, the great High Priest, faithfully lead us in prayer and service
For those who are suffering: that God will help the hungry find food, the persecuted relief, the abandoned acceptance, those recovering from disasters hope, and the grieving peace and consolation
For all who are facing critical and difficult decisions this night: that God will light a path for them, give them strength, and help them to trust in God’s unconditional love for them
For all who are isolated or lonely: that the homebound, those in areas of warfare, and those in prison may know God’s presence with them and have their strength and hope renewed
For those who seek spiritual, material, or emotional assistance from our community of faith: that we may welcome them, assist them along life’s journey, and share God’s love with them
For the sick and those approaching death: that God will ease their suffering and send an angel to comfort and strengthen them
For all who have experienced discrimination or abuse: that God will heal their wounded memories, help them recognize their dignity as a child of God, and give them strength to live life fully
For all who are caring for the sick: that God will give them wisdom and strength to persevere in assisting those who are frail or ill
Universal Prayer Ideas for March 10, 2024 – Fourth Sunday of Lent (B)
For the Church: that God’s covenant, which is written upon our hearts, may help us know the Lord more deeply and guide us in serving God each day
For the grace of surrender: that we may let go of control, entrust our lives to God, and allow God to raise new life within us
For all who are facing little deaths through loss, betrayal, or impairment: that they will surrender these wounds to God and allow God to bring forth new life in them
For the grace to be women and men for others: that God will guide us in laying down our lives in loving service and sharing our gifts to help others along life’s journey
For healing and freedom: that as the Body of Christ is lifted up before us in the Eucharist, we may be drawn to Christ, the source of life, and share in the new covenant that Jesus offers
For all who desire to see Jesus: that they may come to know and develop a relationship with Christ, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life
For a spirit of repentance: that God will free us from our false attachments and sinful actions, move our hearts to celebrate the sacrament of penance, and open us to the power of forgiveness
For all who lay down their lives for others: that God will guide and strengthen parents, caregivers of the sick, and those who assist the marginalized to be instruments of God’s love and compassion
For all who are approaching death: that they may surrender themselves into God’s loving care and enter into the fullness of life with Christ
For all who are recovering from storms and natural disasters: that God will protect them from further danger, give them strength, and speed the assistance that they need
For all who suffer each day: that God will give strength to those with chronic illnesses, hope and courage to those who have been abused, and open new resources for those who live on the streets
For those who are sick: that God will send healing and strength to all who are ill or recovering from surgery and fill their hearts with hope and courage
For immigrants and refugees: that God will guide them in their search for a new homeland, protect them from gangs and warfare, watch over the children who are alone, and guide them to safety and new places to live
For all who confront the power of death in their ministry: that God’s love will shine through them and that the Spirit of life will guide them in sharing hope with those considering suicide, people condemned to death, or grieving the loss of a loved one
For students on spring break: that God will keep them safe, refresh their spirits, and help them to make good and prudent choices
Universal Prayer Ideas for March 3, 2024 – Third Sunday of Lent (B)
For the Church: that we may grow in our awareness of our dignity as temples of the Holy Spirit
For all who teach and preach: that they may faithfully proclaim Christ crucified and lead others into the mystery of God’s love
For the grace of renewal: that God’s covenant with us will move our hearts to a deeper relationship with God and greater service to our neighbors
For a deeper appreciation of the commandments: that we may allow the wisdom and vision of the commandments given to Moses to form our conscience and guide our decisions
For a spirit of integrity: that we recognize ourselves as servants of God, honoring God's name through our words and deeds and never attempting to use God for our benefit
For a cleansing of the temple of our hearts: that God will free us from all that enslaves us and help us to offer our self-sacrificing service to God and others
For an end to injustice: that God will rouse our hearts to identify racial injustice in our lives, give us the strength to make changes, and guide us in cleansing the practices and systems that sustain it
For all bookkeepers and church business managers: that God will help them to be faithful and honest stewards of all the community’s resources
For all the elect: that God will cleanse their hearts, lead them into fuller faith, and deepen their desire for baptism
For an end to violence: that God will heal the brokenness in our society that devalues human life and inspire leaders to work toward protecting the innocent and vulnerable from harm
For all who are recovering from natural disasters: that God will give them strength, help them navigate the process for securing the assistance that they need, and give them hope
For members of legislatures: that God will inspire their deliberations and help them address the issues that burden the poor and marginalized of society
For all victims of gun violence: that God will heal their physical wounds and their painful memories and guide weapon owners in safely using and storing their weapons
For all who have nothing to eat: that God will awaken us to the cries of children, their mothers, and all our brothers and sisters who have no food to eat or clean water to drink
For Peace: that God will bring an end to all the warfare and violence between and within countries so that everyone can live in safety and with possibilities for the future
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Oct 22, 2023
For the Church: that we may manifest each day the work of faith, the labor of love, and the endurance of hope that is ours as God’s people
For the grace of discernment: that we may recognize the various motives in our hearts and respond to those that come from the Holy Spirit
For Wisdom: that God will guide us in being faithful citizens without compromising our discipleship and service to God
For growth in our commitment to God: that we may know God as the one and only Lord in our lives and fully dedicate ourselves to following God’s invitations
For the conversion of our hearts: that the false gods of power, prestige, pleasure, and security may be dethroned so that the God of mercy, compassion, forgiveness, and justice may receive our service
For catechumens and candidates and all who are searching: that the Holy Spirit may open the power of the Gospel to them and lead them to a fuller life in Christ
For all God’s people: that formed in the image and likeness of God, we will manifest God’s presence in our workplaces, our families, and our society
For all government officials and employees: that they may wisely use their offices to promote justice and the common good
For civic leaders in places of unrest: that God will inspire their efforts to communicate, guide them in establishing just policies in their communities, and help them recognize the giftedness and dignity of each person
For greater respect for life: that the Holy Spirit will open all to a deeper recognition of the beauty and mystery of life in all its stages
For all who serve in mission territories: that God will strengthen their spirits and help them to be effective witnesses to the Gospel
For all recovering from storms and wildfires: that God will give them strength, a spirit of hope, and a supportive community so that they may rebuild their lives
For all involved in the faith formation of youth: that God will inspire and guide parents, catechists, and youth leaders to share the beauty of the Gospel and power of prayer with all in their lives
For participants of the Synod: that the Holy Spirit will inspire their discernment of the challenges and needs facing the church so that we can better fulfill the mission of Christ
For Peace: that God will guide all parties away from violence and bring peace to the people in Israel, Gaza, Ukraine, and East Africa
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Oct 15, 2023
For the Church: that we may hear God’s invitation to life and enter wholeheartedly into the banquet that God has prepared for us
For the grace of openness: that we offer hospitality to all who come to our communities and show God’s love and compassion to them
For all the participants in the Synod: that proposals may spring forth from their listening to the Holy Spirit so that the entire People of God may feel that they are truly participating in the life of the Church
For gratitude: that God will expand our awareness of all the blessings and resources that we have and empower us to use them for God’s glory and the good of others
For confidence: that whether we live in abundance or need, we may be aware that God loves us and is always with us
For fruitfulness of our faith: that our lives may manifest a wedding garment made of deeds of justice and acts of charity that proclaim the goodness of God to all
For fuller participation in the Eucharistic Liturgy: that we may draw strength for our daily lives from our communion with Christ and one another in our celebration each week
For greater trust: that we may be confident of God’s providence love that provides for all our needs even during challenges and sufferings
For strength: that God will free us from fear and give us the strength to be faithful disciples in every circumstance
For all who serve in parish ministries: that God will inspire and guide their service in catechetical, liturgical, social justice, and administrative activities and call more people to use their gifts to strengthen our parish community
For all who are recovering from natural disasters: that God will give them hope and stir the hearts of many to assist them in their time of loss and pain
For all who are preparing for marriage: that they may grow in love for each other and find Christ in one another
For a deeper respect for human life, particularly for the terminally ill: that God will help them as they journey into eternal life and help us to support them
For all who have been touched by violence or abuse: that God will heal their pain, ease their fear, and fill their hearts with peace
For peace in our cities and communities: that God will help us to understand the pain of those who have suffered injustice and give us the courage to work for reconciliation
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time – Oct 8, 2023
For the Church: that we may be a fruitful garden, producing a harvest rich in justice, compassion, mercy, and forgiveness
For all who have suffered rejection: that God will heal their wounds, fill them with hope, and guide them into the acceptance of a community of faith
For all religious leaders: that God will free them from selfish pursuits and help them recognize that their opportunities and authority are gifts from God for the good of those entrusted to their care
For a deeper relationship with God: that we may not be satisfied with simply using religious words and gestures but rather make the Gospel the source of all our words and deeds
For humility: that we may recognize what is truthful, just, honorable, and worthy of praise in ourselves and one another and further the reign of God through these gifts
For all who experience anxiety or live with fear: that the peace of God that surpasses all understanding may fill their minds and hearts
For the grace to examine our motives: that we may allow Christ to rid us of the stones of injustice and the briars that block our ability to hear the cries of those who suffer
For all with mental illness, particularly those with depression: that God‘s healing love will free them and open new possibilities for them
For all who tend the fields and bring food to our tables: that God will strengthen them and protect them in their labors
For greater respect for human life, particularly for the unborn: that God will open all hearts to the beauty of the gift of each life
For all who are recovering from natural disasters: that God will give them the strength to face their challenges, speed the assistance that they need, and fill their hearts with peace
For the participants in the Synod on Synodality: that the Holy Spirit will stir up in their hearts a new vision for the Church in fulfilling the mission of Jesus in the world today
For better international cooperation: that nations will join together in addressing the crises that are impacting God's creation and work to preserve our common home
For healing of injustice: that God will help us recognize systemic injustices and give courage to all who are working to change society
For members of Congress: that they may listen to the deep needs of society and strive to find ways to work together to meet the greatest issues in our society
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Oct 1, 2023
For the Church: that we may more and more put on the attitude of Christ and empty ourselves so that God can raise us to a new life of faithful relationships and loving service
For the grace of conversion: that God will help all who have made poor or destructive choices to change course and follow Christ, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life
For integrity: that we may not merely speak of God’s ways but sincerely commit to living them as faithful disciples
For growth in responsibility: that God will help us to be committed to the decisions that we make and be responsible for following through with them
For discernment: that the Spirit will give us insight and understanding so that we may recognize God’s invitations and follow the path of life
For healing of our attitudes: that God will free us from selfishness and the desire to control and help us to strive to serve others with love, patience, and humility
For the unity of Christians: that all believers may be of one mind and heart and work together in serving God and confronting evil
For all who are being persecuted: that God will strengthen them, help them to embrace the cross, and be instruments of God's love, mercy, and compassion
For world leaders meeting at the United Nations: that God will help them listen to the needs of humanity and give them wisdom in developing policies so that all may have food, safety, and live in peace
For the Synod on Synodality: that the participants will be attuned to the Holy Spirit as they listen to one another and bring forth insights that will help the Church better fulfill the mission for which Christ has missioned her
For peace in our cities and neighborhoods: that God will help us recognize the systemic injustices that exist within our communities and give us the courage to work for change and reconciliation
For all who are suffering following natural disasters: that God will protect them from further harm, help them to connect with family and friends, and fill their hearts with courage
For migrants and refugees: that all who have fled violence, starvation, or persecution may find welcome and places of safety to live
For all who are ill: God will send healing to all who are suffering from physical or mental illness, guide them to the people and resources that will best assist them, and give strength to all who support them
For all who are in difficult ministries: that God will strengthen them, help them to be renewed by prayer, and experience the support of those who love them
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Sept 24, 2023
For the Church: that we may humbly accept God's gift of salvation and recognize that each day is a gift from God to us
For all who are seeking God: that the Spirit of God will lead them into an encounter with God and open them to God’s presence and action in their lives
For the grace to prefer nothing to Christ: that we may live each day striving to be faithful disciples through trusting in God’s providence and showing love and compassion to all who enter our lives
For freedom from envy: that we may appreciate the gifts and blessings that others receive and rejoice in the good they experience
For the young people who are in religious education, particularly those who are preparing for the reception of sacraments this year: that they may grow in their knowledge and love of God and in their commitment to the Christian community
For all who have lost hope or who are isolated from family and friends: that they may experience God’s presence with them today and recognize someone’s love for them
For all who are working to aid those in need, particularly disaster relief, homeless shelter, and food pantry workers: that God will give them strength, wisdom, and patience in their service
For all who have been defrauded: that God will bring justice for those who have lost wages, property, or reputation and give them strength to continue to rectify the wrong that has been done
For all who are suffering persecution for their faith, particularly the Christians of Armenia: that God will protect them from harm, open a path for food and medicine, and help them to give faithful witness to the Gospel
For the Synod on synodality: that the Holy Spirit will guide the participants in listening to one another and discerning God’s will for the Church today
For a compassionate heart: that we may have genuine concern for the needs and struggles of others and generously offer our resources to assist them
For all who have been impacted by natural disasters: that God will comfort those who have lost homes and livelihoods, guide them to new places to live, provide the resources that they need, and give eternal rest to those who have died
For greater stewardship of creation: that God will impel our hearts to oppose the misuse of earth's resources and empower us to work tirelessly to protect the magnificence of nature for future generations
For refugees and migrants: that God will guide them to places of safety and help them to find a supportive and welcoming community
For all who are approaching death, those with terminal illnesses, and those who care for them: that they may approach death as a gain and prefer Christ before all else
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time – September 17, 2023
For the Church: that we who are God’s people, both in life and in death, may faithfully mediate God’s love, mercy, and forgiveness through our words and deeds
For the grace to forgive those who have wronged us: that God will free our hearts so that we may forgive others as God has forgiven us
For a deep awareness of God’s boundless forgiveness: that in our daily living and our experiences of our weaknesses, we may recognize God’s unlimited forgiveness each day
For all who have injured or wronged us: that God’s love will heal them and us so that we may walk together again in God’s service
For healing of anger and resentment: that the Spirit will heal those painful experiences and free us to live fully for Christ
For freedom from vengeance and retaliation: that God will turn hearts from violence and increase our desire to seek the good for each person
For the Synod on synodality: that the Holy Spirit will open the minds and hearts of all participants to listen to one another and seek the greatest good for the people of God
For all who have experienced violence, terrorism, or war: that God will help them break the cycle of violence and make life-giving choices amidst their pain
For healing of the nations: that God will bring an end to violence and chaos in countries, particularly Ukraine, Sudan, and Haiti, and open a pathway for justice and peace to be established
For all who have been impacted by hurricanes or wildfires: that God will give them strength, protect them from harm, and speed up the assistance that they need
For firefighters and relief workers: that God will renew their strength, keep them safe in their service, and sustain their families and loved ones
For greater care of the earth: that God will heal the damage done to the ecosystem, free us from narrow vision, and help us to change the ways that we misuse God’s gift of nature
For all who are suffering: that God will heal the sick, bring comfort to those who are isolated, give strength to those fleeing violence, and hope to those seeking jobs
For all enslaved by human trafficking: that God will open a path to freedom for them,
heal their physical and emotional wounds, and help them find a supportive community
For all who are approaching death: that they may cling to the faithfulness of God as they are birthed into life eternal
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – Sept 10, 2023
For the Church: that we may be a community that continues Christ’s mission of evangelizing and reconciling those who are estranged
For the grace of tough love: that we may speak the truth lovingly and honestly to those who are injuring themselves or others and be willing to hear the truth spoken to us
For the gift of listening: that the Spirit will open our minds and hearts to hear what others say and to be attentive to the word of God spoken deep within our hearts
For the grace to forgive: that the Holy Spirit will heal us of our wounds and free our hearts to forgive those who have injured or betrayed us
For healing of racial injustice: that Christians may work to promote the dignity of each individual, advocate against unjust structures and policies, and seek reconciliation in our communities
For Christian Unity: that all who follow Christ may form a bond of dedication as we work to bring hope and healing to the world
For those who experience injustice in their workplace: that God will free them from abuse, end dehumanizing practices, and help them unveil the unjust activities
For public safety and relief workers: that God will protect them from harm, give them the strength to fulfill their duties, and help them offer support and hope to those in crisis
For educational leaders: that God will give them wisdom and insight in providing safe and productive environments for students and staff during the coming year
For all involved in the faith formation of youth: that God will inspire their words and deeds and help them to lead young people to a deeper relationship with Jesus
For the Synod on synodality: that the Spirit will open the minds and hearts of all participating in the Synod and help them to recognize the divine promptings for the good of the Church
For greater care for the earth: that God will help us to respect and be responsible stewards of the creation that God has entrusted to our care
For anyone considering suicide: that they may encounter people who care for them, be reminded that they are loved, and discover the resources that they need to live
For all who are recovering from hurricanes, storms, or wildfires: that God will heal their pain, give them the courage to move forward, and remove the obstacles that block their recovery
For an end to violence between nations, in our cities, and within families: that God will give to all who are drawn to violence a new vision of the uniqueness of each person and an appreciation of their gifts
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – Sept. 3, 2023
For the Church: that the fire of the Holy Spirit will animate us to give witness to God and to follow the example of Jesus courageously
For the grace to follow Christ: that we may embrace the cross as we experience opposition, hardship, or rejection and allow God to raise us to new life
For Pope Francis: that his visit to Mongolia will strengthen the faith of Christians and help them be a source of compassion and peace in their society
For all who are suffering for the sake of the Gospel: that God will protect and sustain those who risk their lives to bring the Gospel message, the sacraments, or medical care to those in difficult or distant places
For Wisdom: that the Spirit will unshackle us from the contemporary priorities of power and wealth, and empower us to live virtuously and generously
For the grace to live with the unknown: that in times of loss, we may trust God, who is with us even when answers or new beginnings are not apparent
For the gift of discernment: that the Spirit will guide us in our judgments and actions so that the Gospel can be manifest in our lifestyles, families, and professions
For all whom God has called to be prophets: that the Spirit of Christ will sustain and empower them to unmask the truth from which society hides and proclaim a vision of hope and new possibilities
For the grace of sacrificial love: that God will help us lay down our lives in caring for our families and those whom God leads into our lives so that they may experience God’s love today
For all who are discouraged by the burdens of life: that the compassionate love of God will renew their hearts and lead them through their struggles to a new beginning
For all who have been scandalized and who have acted scandalously: that God will give strength to the weak in faith and awareness to those who act without being conscious of the consequences of their actions
For all recovering from storms, floods, and wildfires: that God will ease their suffering, open the hearts of many to assist them, and help them to find the resources that they need to rebuild their homes and lives
For civility in public discourse: that public figures may respect the human dignity of each other and find ways to address the real issues of our world and nation
For those who are starving or malnourished: that God will remove the bureaucratic barriers that block food distribution, help people to become more aware of hunger that exists around them, and speed the food to those who need it, particularly children
For all who live amidst civil discord and conflict: that God will break the cycle of violence, heal the divisions that exist within civic and ethnic communities, and protect the innocent
[USA} For all who labor: that God will renew and strengthen all who work to advance the good of society, protect them from harm, and help them to use their gifts and talents fully
Universal Prayer Ideas for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time — August 20, 2023
For the Church: that we may be instruments of God’s mercy, guides for all who are seeking God, and companions to those developing a relationship with God
For authentic trust in God: that we may call out in faith, with sincerity and conviction, to God who saves and delivers us from all our suffering and needs
For a spirit of hospitality: that our faith community may welcome all visitors as if they were Christ and that our liturgies may help them draw closer to God
For the Jewish people whom God has irrevocably called: that they may experience the compassion and mercy of God more fully
For all who have helped to strengthen our faith, for parents, teachers, and those who give witness by the fidelity of their life: that they may continue to be examples of Christian discipleship to all who encounter them
For an end to racism and prejudice: that God will turn hearts and change minds so that everyone may be respected and their dignity affirmed
For all people who have experienced prejudice: that God will heal their hearts and help them to continue to use their gifts and talents for God’s glory
For countries and people who are divided by religious belief: that the Spirit of God will bring about new opportunities for understanding and cooperation
For refugees and immigrants, particularly those fleeing violence: that God will ease their suffering, guide them to safety, and stir the hearts of many to assist them
For all who are recovering from hurricanes, wildfires, explosions, or other disasters: that God will ease their pain, give them strength, and renew their hope
For all missing children, particularly those caught in human trafficking: that God will free them and reunite them with their families
For an end to violence in families, neighborhoods, and cities: that God will open new ways to resolve differences and protect the life and dignity of each person
For all who are sick: that God’s healing love will strengthen them, remove their pain, and restore them to wholeness
For students, particularly those who will be away from home for the first time: that God will help them learn, stay safe, and find the resources they need to assist them in the coming months
For peace and justice: that God will protect all who are experiencing warfare and injustice, particularly the people of Ukraine, Israel, Palestine, and Syria, so that they may live safely and care for their families
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord – August 6, 2023
For the Church: that God will transform us through our listening to the Word of God and sharing in the Eucharist so that we can radiate God’s glory through our lives
For a transformation of our understanding: that our eyes and hearts may be opened to a fuller understanding of Jesus, who is both the glorious Son of God and the suffering Son of Man
For the grace to be faithful witnesses: that as Peter was empowered to share the Good News after seeing Christ transfigured, may we also give testimony to Christ as we see God at work in us and in the lives of those around us
For the grace to recognize Christ each day: that God will give us open and attentive hearts to recognize Jesus in the many ways that He comes into our lives and the courage to follow wherever Christ leads us
For all who face persecution: that God will give them strength as they suffer for righteousness sake and courage to be faithful witnesses to Christ and the Gospel
For those whose lives have been overshadowed by pain, sickness, or grief: that Christ be the light who dispels their darkness and that the power of His resurrection guides them to new beginnings
For all living in fear: that they may hear Jesus say, Fear Not, and rest in the awareness that God is always with them and will sustain them each day
For all who lack self-esteem or doubt their worth: that as the Father affirmed Jesus, we too may affirm them and remind them of their God-given value and dignity
For all who have lost hope: that the glory of the Transfiguration may free them from despair and open a new vision for what God can do in and for each person
For those who are impacted by wildfires, floods, or the heat: that God will calm the power of nature, give strength to those who are suffering, and open the hearts of many to assist and support them
For all who are bound by addiction: that they may have a transforming experience of God which will lead them to people and resources to renew their lives
For all government leaders: that they may learn how to exercise authority from Jesus who came to serve rather than to be served
For those held unjustly, particularly victims of human trafficking: that God will free them from oppression and open pathways with life-giving possibilities and relationships
For an end to the use of nuclear weapons: that God will protect the world from the danger of nuclear weapons and guide negotiators in finding a path to disarmament
For peace: that God will turn the hearts of world leaders from violence, establish peace in all the areas of conflict, and bring forth a new time of justice and peace
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — July 30, 2023
For the Church: that we may place a supreme value on seeking the reign of God and utilize all our talents to deepen our relationship with God
For confidence in God’s love for each of us: that we may rely upon God’s generous love to sustain us and bring good out of all the experiences of our lives
For freedom of spirit: that God will free our hearts from all that entraps them and help us to be free to share our knowledge, gifts, and possessions with those who are suffering
For all leaders in the Christian community: that God will give them wisdom in choosing how to present the Gospel tradition in new and meaningful ways today
For all who are searching for meaning: that God will guide their search, lead them to a new understanding, help them encounter a community where the Gospel is lived, and grant healing to those whom the church or its leaders have wounded (Edited, #4, 2020)
For all who are engaged in evangelization and outreach: that they may cast a wide net through offering hospitality and dynamic witness to the Good News to all they encounter
For Grace and insight: that we may utilize the traditions and practices that have sustained previous generations of Christians and be open to following the new inspirations of the Holy Spirit in our lives
For Wisdom: that we may be able to resist the allure of advertisements that offer easy and quick solutions to life’s problems and invite the Holy Spirit to lead us into a deeper experience of God’s providence
For all judges: that God's wisdom will fill their hearts so that they may decide fairly for all the afflicted and reverence the value and dignity of each human life
For all parents: that God will guide them in nurturing their children, inspire them in helping their children to seek God first and to share their gifts and talents with others
For all children who are at risk, particularly those in homes with drug addiction or violence: that God will protect them from harm and help their caregivers to protect and nurture them
For all who are working for justice: that God will help them to remind society of the truth about human dignity and inspire their words to unlock hearts and move people to action
For members of Congress: that God will break through the mistrust that has developed and guide them in developing effective laws to address injustice and the greatest needs of society
For reverence for God's creation: that we may recognize the world around us as God's gift and work to promote care and respect for the soil, air, water, animals, and the human family
For all suffering from the heat: that God will moderate the temperatures, help suffers to find relief, and help us to show care for one another
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — July 23, 2023
For the church: that we may allow the good seed of the Gospel to take root within us and bring forth a harvest of virtue and manifestations of the reign of God
For openness of mind and heart: that the parables of Jesus may help us recognize the limits of our vision and understanding, and move us toward examining our life and actions from new perspectives
For patience: that we may not judge one another but rather be open to the work that God is doing within each of us that will be revealed in God’s time
For a deepening of prayer: that we may offer our discontent, pain, and yearnings to God honestly and allow the Spirit to intercede for us
For Wisdom: that we may recognize the small ways God is at work in our lives so that we may cooperate with God who accomplishes great things
For healing and transformation of our weaknesses: that the Spirit of God will work within us to bring us to wholeness in the areas in which we are most wounded and vulnerable
For the grace of discernment: that we may defer judgment on those things that are unclear and await insight from God to make wise choices
For all who are bound by hatred and resentment: that the Spirit will cultivate forgiveness and compassion within hearts and wither the seeds of the Evil One that yield revenge, violence, and destruction
For the gift of humility: that we may recognize our strengths, abilities, and opportunities as gifts from God and be open to God’s invitations to serve each day
For all who have suffered abuse or who are in abusive relationships: that the Spirit will translate their cries and tears into prayers and lead them to safety and wholeness
For each of us: that we may be a leaven of compassion and justice in our society so that we may stifle the weeds of racism and oppression
For safe disposal of toxic waste: that God will touch the hearts of those who are removing the waste to act responsibly and to protect residents, young and old, from its dangers
For all suffering from the heat: that God will cool the weather, help those who are suffering to find places of shelter, and provide the resources needed to sustain them
For Peace: that God will bring an end to warfare in Ukraine, Sudan, Syria, and between Israel and the Palestinians, protect the innocent from harm, and establish justice for all parties
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — July 16, 2023
For the Church: that we may spread the hopeful and exciting message of the Gospel through both our words and deeds so that others may encounter the God who loves them
For a greater love for the Word of God: that we may make space in our busy lives to allow the Word of God to challenge and prune us so that we may bear abundant fruit
For openness of spirit: that our hearts may welcome the Word of God and be fertile soil where the seed will produce an abundant harvest of faith and charity
For all who spread the Word of God, for preachers, teachers, parents, and writers: that they may announce God’s loving compassion faithfully and convincingly so that others may come to know the living God
For the courage to share our faith through stories: that we may offer others the joy of coming to know God’s love through sharing the story of our journey with God
For freedom from all that enslaves our hearts: that we may allow God’s Word to free us from fear, anxiety, and financial worries, enable us to live as God’s children, and empower us to be disciples of Jesus in word and deed
For the created world: that we may be aware of God’s revelation through the created world around us, promote respect for it, and work to protect it for future generations
For a calming of the restlessness in our hearts: that we may find fulfillment of our deepest longings in the embrace of God
For all who have closed their hearts to God’s Word: that God will break through their barriers, move their hearts and spirits, and open them to the Holy Spirit’s presence, and empower them to become active followers of Christ
For all who care for the sick: that God will give them strength and help them to radiate God’s compassion and show deep respect for each person for whom they assist
For conversion of hearts: that God will free us from prejudice and unfair judgments so that each person may be treated with dignity and respect
For refugees and immigrants, particularly children: that they may be welcomed as a brother or sister in the Lord and treated with love and respect
For a new springtime of Justice: that God’s reign of Justice and Peace may develop abundantly in our hearts and in all the structures of our society
For safety at the Olympic games: that God will protect all who will be gathering in Paris from harm and help the athletes to be preserved from injury
For all who have fled their homes: that God will lead those fleeing violence to places of safety, guide and protect those who are recovering from storms and fires to new shelter, and help all who have fled famine and drought to sources of food and water
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — July 9, 2023
For the Church: that God will help us take up the yoke of Christ and follow him in speaking the truth lovingly, offering forgiveness to those who wrong us, and praying for our enemies
For the grace to be childlike: that we may learn dependence upon God and surrender our attempts to control our lives through knowledge, power, or possessions
For a greater appreciation of the Sabbath: that God will show us how to disengage from our busyness and technology so that our minds and spirits can be refreshed through prayer, relationships, and nature
For a fuller life in the Spirit: that God will free us from self-absorption and selfishness so that we may allow the Spirit to lead us into a more authentic and virtuous life
For the grace to surrender control: that we may let Jesus ease our burdens and journey side by side with us in every event in our lives
For freedom from fear: that God will help us surrender our fear and anxiety into the hands of the One who loves us and strengthen our confidence that God will provide for us in every circumstance
For all who are weary in body, mind, or spirit: that the Spirit will restore strength to the physically exhausted, hope to those who are emotionally worn out, and energy to all who are exhausted through loving service to others
For release from burdens and yokes: that God will free all who are struggling with addictions, abuse, or neglect and lead them to a new beginning
For all who struggle to sleep or with getting rest: that God will free them from worry, help their mind and body to relax, renew their trust in God’s providence, and grant them restful sleep
For all who do not believe in God: that the Spirit will lead them into an encounter with the living God and open their hearts to the One who loves them
For legislators and municipal council members: that God will give them wisdom in addressing current challenges, courage to work for the greater good, and inspiration that yields new approaches for the good of those whom they serve
For all who are traveling: that God will guide them safely to their destinations and protect them from all harm
For an end to injustice and discrimination: that God will change the hearts and minds of those entrapped in judging people by externals, and help everyone to recognize the God-given dignity of each person
For an end to gun violence in families, city streets, and workplaces: that God will change hearts, protect the innocent, and bring forth a new awareness of the dignity of each life
For peace in all the areas of conflict: that God will end the violence in Israel and the Palestinian territory, and in all other areas so that everyone may live safely and with justice
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time — June 18, 2023
For the Church: that we may grow in our awareness of to whom we belong and live the mission of Christ as God's called and chosen people
For a deeper experience of God’s love: that we may know that we are unconditionally loved by God just as we are today amid our relationships, our work, and our struggles
For Pope Francis and all bishops, successors to the apostles: that they will guide the Church toward fuller unity and more effective proclamation of the truth
For the grace of compassion: that the suffering and searching of others may move our hearts and that the Spirit will guide us in offering hope, purpose, and healing to those around us
For all fathers and those who have shown us a father’s love: that God will grant them good health, guide them in being good examples, and help them to be a source of encouragement to their children
For all Christians: that we may exercise our role as a priestly people and intercede before God for all who do not know God, for those who have grown cold in their faith, and for all who are suffering from the lack of love in the human community
For more laborers for God’s vineyard: that God will touch the hearts of many to share in the ministries of teaching, healing, community building, and assistance to those in need
For the grace to listen: that we may take time to be aware of God’s presence and action in our lives and to listen for God’s invitation to grow closer to God
For the courage to put our gifts at the service of others: that God will free us from fear and timidity so that we may use our gifts and live as women and men for others
For all who have turned away from the Christian community: that God will touch their hearts, open them to the power of community support, and ease their fears
For all missionaries and relief workers: that God will renew their spirits and help them to bring hope, compassion, and good news to all whom they serve
For all missing or lost children: that God will protect them and bring them home safely to their loved ones
For all who are fleeing violence: that God will guide them to safety, help them to find the resources that they need, and lead them to a community of faith that will help them to resettle and flourish
For all working for peace and reconciliation: that God will give them courage and insight as they promote dialogue and understanding so that a new springtime of peace may blossom
For all who have died, particularly our fathers: that God will welcome them into the eternal joy and peace of God’s presence
Universal Prayer Ideas for Pentecost – May 28, 2023
For the Church: that we may faithfully confess Jesus as Lord and be guided by the Holy Spirit to continue the mission of Christ in our time
For fuller utilization of the Gifts of the Spirit: that God will help us recognize and put into practice all the gifts which we have been given so that the Body of Christ may be strong in serving the reign of God
For a new Pentecost: that God will pour out the Spirit in a new and abundant way to renew humanity and all of creation
For the grace to forgive: that God will break the bonds of fear, anger, and resentment that freeze our hearts and free us to forgive all who have injured us as God has forgiven us
For Christian unity: that the Spirit will heal the divisions that exist, bring down the walls of mistrust, and help us to pray and work together in God’s service
For reconciliation in the human family: that God will help us bridge the gulf that divides nations, races, genders, and economic groups and restore our ability to work together against poverty, disease, famine, and injustice
For a Spirit of love: that we may fulfill Christ’s command to love one another by placing our time, energy, and gifts at the service of others and helping them to carry their daily burdens
For a Spirit of truth: that we may open our minds and hearts to all the ways that truth is manifest, particularly in the scriptures, tradition, the wisdom of those who have gone before us, and in the humanities and the sciences
For a Spirit of hope: that all who are overwhelmed by life may find new reasons to live this day and be gifted with a vision of all that could be tomorrow
For a Spirit of justice: that the needy, exploited, abused, and victims of war may know freedom, relief from oppression, and their dignity as daughters and sons of God
For the Spirit of healing: that God will touch all who are ill, strengthen their minds, bodies, and spirits, and restore them to wholeness
For a Spirit of reverence: that all hearts may recognize God as creator and work to protect and preserve God’s gift of creation, our common home
For a Spirit of wisdom for all government and business leaders: that they may develop policies that promote the common good and inclusion of all in society
For a Spirit of Peace: that God will dissolve the hatred in human hearts, protect the human family from nuclear weapons, and establish a season of peace throughout the world
[USA] For all who have died, particularly those who have served our nation: that God will welcome them into the company of the saints forever
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Ascension of the Lord – May 18 or 21, 2023
For the Church: that, empowered by the Spirit, we may faithfully give witness to the Gospel and continue Christ’s mission of bringing hope and healing to those in need
For the grace of discipleship: that through the words of Jesus and the example of the early disciples we may discover how to help others to come to know the risen Lord and to live as disciples
For deeper awareness: that the Spirit will lead us into a deeper relationship with Jesus so that our choices and desires may flow from the new life of the resurrected Lord
For all who spread the Good News: that God will inspire evangelists, missionaries, preachers, composers, and writers to dynamically announce God’s abiding presence and untiring love for all
For the grace of conversion: that we may strive to bring the brokenness, injustice, addictions, and selfishness of our society under the saving and redeeming reign of Christ
For a healing of racism: that all nations and peoples may recognize the value and dignity that God has given each person and that they may work together to bring forth the reign of God in the world
For all who are fearful or anxious: that they may recognize God’s message, “Fear not”, is for them and allow God to calm their spirits and give them hope
For all who feel alone and isolated: that God will console them, let them experience God’s presence in their homes, and help others to connected with them to maintain the community spirit
For all who are struggling financially, particularly single parents: that God will give them hope, guide them to the resources that they need, and help them find safe employment
For all who are ill, particularly cancer patients: that God’s healing spirit will fill them, ease their pain, and restore them to wholeness
For all students as they finish the school year: that God will protect them through the summer and help they to develop all their talents and abilities
For an end to gun violence: that God will protect the people from violence in churches, schools, shopping areas, and hospitals so that all may live safely and confidently
For all who are grieving: that Christ will dry their tears and give them peace as they experience the death of a loved one or loss of a relationship
For all government leaders: that God will open a new spirit of cooperation so that the greatest needs may be addressed and the common good advanced
For peace throughout the world: that God will turn the hearts of world leaders from violence toward co-operation in facing the challenges that confront all the human race and bring an end to warfare in Ukraine and Sudan
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Sixth Sunday in Easter – May 14, 2023
For the Church: that we may grow in our awareness that Christ is in us, and we are in Christ because the Holy Spirit dwells in us
For the renewal of God's Spirit in our hearts: that God will stir up into a flame the gift of the Spirit so that we may build up the Body of Christ and bring forth God's reign in the world
For courage to live one’s mission: that God will empower each of us to follow the call that God has placed in our hearts and to use our gifts for God’s glory and the service of one another
For all mothers and those who have shown us a mother’s love: that God will watch over them, bless them with every good gift, and fill their hearts with peace
For a new spirit in our personal interactions: that we may speak with reverence and gentleness to one another, recognizing that we have become sisters and brothers in Christ
For the gift of hope: that we may remain confident in God’s love toward us despite hardship, confusion, conflicts, and ill-spoken words against us
For the unity of all Christians: that the Spirit of God will heal the misunderstandings and wounds in the Body of Christ and lead us to a greater unity of mind and action as we confront evil and work to ease human suffering
For all missionaries: that their words and deeds may draw others to Christ and that God’s love will strengthen and renew them
For students who are taking final examinations: that they may recall all that they have learned this semester, and that God will help them clearly express it and use it in their lives
For those who experience injustice: that God will raise up and heal all who are disrespected or treated unjustly and bring forth the truth that will set them free
For all who have been orphaned: that God will protect them from harm, help them to find people whom they can trust, and touch the hearts of many to support them
For greater respect for God’s creation: that we may recognize our interdependence with the created world and work to preserve the balance in nature that God has established
For government and business leaders: that the Spirit will help them in serving and promoting the greater good in their communities
For peace: that God will inspire those working to end conflicts and open the hearts of opposing leaders to new ways of working together for peace and justice
For all who have died, particularly our mothers: that God will welcome them into the peace and joy of God’s presence forever
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Fifth Sunday in Easter – May 7, 2023
For the Church: that we may recognize that we are a chosen and holy people, living stones, whom God is creating into the Body of Christ, to announce the deeds of the Lord,
For the growth of our faith: that the Spirit will help us to rely upon Christ more fully, for Jesus is our Way, our Truth, and our Life
For fuller discipleship: that God will guide us in living sacrificial lives and continuing the ministry of Christ in laying down our lives for our families, our communities, and our society
For those who do not know Christ: that the Spirit will help them to recognize the works of God in their lives and the world around them as a sign of God's love and presence
For all who serve the poor, widows, orphans, and the forgotten of society: that God will renew their hearts and strengthen their spirits as they continue to reach out to those in need
For all Deacons: that they may faithfully follow Christ as they unselfishly serve those who are in need in body, mind, or spirit
For all who are being ordained this spring: that God will fill them with the Spirit and help them to bring Christ’s presence to all whose lives they touch
For all students, as they prepare for final examinations: that God will help them to recall all that they have learned and to express it clearly and fully
For all burdened by worry and anxiety: that they may find in Christ hope, freedom, and peace
For all who are struggling with addictions: that Christ may be their way to freedom and wholeness
For all who work the earth: that they may use their skills wisely to feed the human family and that God will give them favorable weather and an abundant harvest
For all who feel unwelcomed or experience discrimination: that God will help us welcome them, affirm their human dignity, and support their spiritual journey
For members of Congress: that God will open hearts to dialogue and finding common ground so that the common good can be advanced and the least among us can be sustained
For all youth: that God will help them make wise decisions, respect one another, and drive safely and responsibly
For Peace: that God will turn hearts from violence, end the bloodshed in Sudan, Ukraine, and our city streets, and protect all who are vulnerable in our society
General Intercession Ideas for the Fourth Sunday in Easter – April 30, 2023
For the Church: that we may allow Christ to bring forth abundant life within us and guide us in using our gift of life for God’s glory
For a listening heart: that we, who have been called by name, may hear the voice of the Good Shepherd, and respond confidently to God’s invitations
For all who minister in the church: that they will faithfully help others find Christ by the witness of their lives, the truth of their words, and the integrity of their actions
For Pope Francis and all pastors: that they may faithfully imitate Christ in accompanying the people of God on their journey and encouraging their growth toward wholeness
For all Christians: that we who have been called to follow Christ may lift to God those who cause us to suffer and refrain from threatening, insulting, and judging them
For all who suffer for the Gospel: that God will give them patience and guide them in following the example of Jesus who entrusted himself into God’s providence
For all who will be confirmed this spring: that the Spirit will help them recognize that they are the daughters and sons of God and guide them in using their gifts for the good of others
For all who are discerning a call to ministry: that they will recognize God’s invitation, open their hearts to God who loves them, and follow Jesus in laying down their lives for others
For all who are hearing the Gospel for the first time: that they may be moved by the Word of Life and seek to know Christ who is Lord and Savior
For the grace of discernment: that all who are making major life decisions will open their minds and hearts to God’s movements, be open to the greatest good that can be done, and move forward with trust and confidence in God who loves them
For healing in mind, body, and spirit: that the wounds of Christ will restore to wholeness all who are ill or suffering
For all who are suffering from natural disasters: that God will be a shepherd to them, guide them to the assistance that they need, and sustain them as they recover
For all who are facing famine: that God will open resources for them, end blockades and administrative mismanagement, and strengthen those who are trying to deliver relief
For greater care for earth’s resources: that God will help each of us to care for God’s creation and to use earth’s resources prudently and respectfully
For all diocese who are consolidating and restructuring: that the Spirit will guide leaders and parishioners in developing pastoral and effective structures to serve the people of God
Universal Prayer Ideas for April 9, 2023 – Easter Sunday
For the Church: that we may radiate the light of Christ each day and confidently live as daughters and sons of God
For all the newly baptized: that they may faithfully follow Jesus and keep the light of Christ burning in their lives
For all children: that they may live and grow in peace, celebrating God’s love each day of their life
For all the baptized: that Christ will pour out the Spirit upon us and enable us to continue the mission of bringing hope, meaning, and love to all in our society
For all who find themselves walking in darkness or doubting their faith: that they may encounter the Risen Lord who brings light to their journey and peace to their hearts
For healing of hearts and relationships: that the Risen Lord will open the path to reconciliation and healing for families, communities, and co-workers
For all who struggle for peace and justice: that God will provide a new springtime in their efforts that will yield an abundant harvest for the human family
For all who are in need: that the Risen Lord will encounter and bring hope, healing, and strength to the poor, the sick, refugees, and run-away children
For peace throughout the world: that the Risen Lord will guide the human family away from violence, particularly in Ukraine, and toward new efforts of cooperation and human development
For all who work in healthcare, public safety, and other essential services: that God will protect them and their families as they serve the greater good
For all who are confined to their home and for those who cannot be with family: that God will protect them, renew their spirits, and give them strength this day
For all who are grieving: that God will give them peace and hope as they hear the Good News of Christ’s resurrection
For inspiration: that the Holy Spirit will give insight and courage to legislators and government leaders as they develop policies to address gun violence and school safety
For our common home: that God will lead us to be good stewards of creation and guide our actions to restore the damages done to the air, water, and land
For all who are seeking a new beginning: that the resurrection of Christ will bring light into their lives and open new opportunities for them to end old behaviors and walk in a new direction.
Universal Prayer Ideas for April 8, 2023 – Easter Vigil
For the Church: that we will continue to be instruments of Christ’s light for all who live in darkness, of hope for all who know pain, and of love for all who experience rejection
For all the newly baptized: that they may be faithful disciples of Jesus, bearers of the light of Christ in their lives, and witnesses to Christ in their words and deeds
For all who have been received into full communion or completed their Christian Initiation: that they will persevere faithfully in all that God asks of them, enrich the Church community with their gifts, and manifest the reign of God in their lives
For all the human family: that we who have been created in the image and likeness of God may recognize our identity as God’s people and respect the gift of life in one another
For all of creation: that God will guide us in protecting and preserving the earth that God saw to be very good so that our descendants may share in God’s generous gifts
For the rebirth of the human community: that the powers of evil manifested by death, racism, poverty, and disease may be conquered by Christ’s victory
For all who yearn for liberation: that God will lead to freedom and wholeness all who are held unjustly, bound by addiction, oppressed by poverty, caught in warfare, or living in areas of gun violence
For all who are called to make a sacrifice: that God will give them the grace to trust and be open to the greater good that God can bring forth through their surrender and love
For all who thirst for something more in life: that they may come to the living water that satisfies all the longings of the human heart
For renewal of our hearts and spirits: that the Spirit will lead us to a deeper relationship with God, greater compassion for all who suffer, and true forgiveness for all who have injured us
For all in this community: that renewed through word and sacrament, we may be strong in faith, confident in hope, and abounding with love for God and neighbor
For all who do not have faith in the Resurrection: that God will touch their hearts and lead them to an encounter with the Risen Lord
For the grace of reconciliation and healing, for families that are divided; for churches and communities that are at odds; and for nations that are in conflict: that the power of the Resurrection may bring new opportunities for healing, growth, and reconciliation
For a deepening of our commitments: that having renewed our baptismal promises, God will strengthen us to be faithful to our life commitments and instruments of God’s love and compassion
For all who are oppressed and burdened: that God will heal the sick, guide refugees to supportive communities, open resources to those who lack food, medicine, or shelter, and assist all who are recovering from natural disasters
Universal Prayer Ideas for April 6, 2023 – The Lord’s Supper
For the Church: that we may live like Jesus and spend our lives in loving service, washing the feet, carrying the burdens, and comforting the brokenness of one another
For the grace to love: that we may love one another as Christ has loved us, forgive our enemies, and affirm the dignity of each person
For greater awareness: that we may recognize God’s presence in the community that is gathered, in the Word that is proclaimed, in those who are ordained, and in the Holy Eucharist
For the grace of unity: that divisions may be healed, unity restored, and that we may support one another in bringing forth the reign of God
For all who are gathered here: that through our sharing in the Body and Blood of Christ, we may more fully become the Body of Christ and give faithful witness until Christ comes again
For those who cannot eat at the table of the Lord: that our love, prayer, friendship, and service may offer them an experience of God’s love, a sense of community, and support for life’s journey
For those to whom we are committed, particularly our families, communities, and friends: that we may be faithful to them and a source of God’s life for them
For our brothers who are priests: that they may be strengthened and renewed by God’s love, and following the example of Jesus, the great High Priest, faithfully lead us in prayer, the pursuit of the truth, and in offering service
For those who have nothing to eat, who are being persecuted, or who feel abandoned this night: that God will fill their emptiness, renew their spirit, and grant them peace of mind and heart
For all who are facing critical and difficult decisions this night: that God will light a path for them, give them strength, and help them to trust in God’s unconditional love for them
For all who have been betrayed, abused, or tortured: that God will heal their pain, give them hope and help them to trust again
For those who seek spiritual, material, or emotional assistance from our community of faith: that we may welcome them, assist them along life’s journey, and share God’s love with them
For the sick, for those approaching death, and for those with mental illness: that God will send an angel to comfort and strengthen them and give them peace
For refugees and displaced persons: that God will guide them to safety, provide for their needs, heal their wounds, and lead them to a welcoming community
For peace: that all may hear Jesus’ command to put away their swords, pursue the welfare of their neighbors, and cooperate for the good of one another
Universal Prayer Ideas for Passion Sunday – April 2, 2023
For the Church: that we may strive to have the same mind as Christ as we offer our lives in loving service to others
For courage: that God’s love will sustain us in times of suffering and rejection, and help us to trust in God’s providence each day
For all Christians: that God will fill us with life and raise us up as we surrender ourselves to God and seek to do God’s will
For all who are suffering because of the Gospel: that God will sustain them, help them to give faithful witness to the Gospel, and make fruitful their witness in the hearts of others
For the Elect and the Candidates for Full Communion: that they may enter more deeply into the mystery of God’s unconditional love through the celebrations of Holy Week
For all who have been condemned to death: that the Spirit of God will lead them to conversion and into a new life
For all who have experienced abandonment, betrayal, or rejection: that God’s Spirit will comfort them, help them to hold fast to the truth, and guide them to new communities
For leaders of government and business: that through the example of Jesus, they may recognize how to be servant leaders and never forget the needs of the most vulnerable
For all who work in the legal system, for judges, attorneys, and juries: that they may always respect the dignity of both the injured and accused parties and work diligently to find the truth
For greater respect for human life: that every heart may honor the mystery of human life at all stages along life’s journey
For all who are grieving: that God will comfort them, bring supportive people to accompany them, and fill their hearts with peace
For the grace to forgive: that we may have the courage to forgive freely all who injure us just as God has forgiven us
For all who believe in the one God: that Christians, Jews, and Muslims may work together to end hunger, poverty, and abuse to that the one God may be honored by our care for one another
For peace: that God will open new awareness among all conflicting groups to the dignity of each person, inspire leaders with new ways to settle disputes, and protect the children and elderly from harm
For all who have died: that they may be united with Christ and live forever in the peace and joy of God’s presence
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Fifth Sunday in Lent – March 26, 2023
For the Church: that God will transform our fears into hope, selfishness into love, and deaths into new life
For all the Elect: that God will lead them from the death of sin to newness of life through Baptism
For all who share in the Eucharist: that as we share in Christ’s gift of himself, we will live the new life of the resurrection and give witness to Christ by our words and deeds
For all who must face death each day, particularly emergency personnel and hospital chaplains: that God will strengthen their spirits and help them honor the life of each person they assist
For those with a terminal illness and those on death row: that they may surrender their life into God’s embrace and come to know Jesus who is the resurrection and the life
For all who confront the death dealing forces of our society: that they may bring the light of Christ to those struggling with the darkness of abortion, abuse, addictions, violence, or disease
For all who are experiencing divorce or the death of a relationship: that God will heal their pain, help them to face the issues with courage, and give them hope for their future
For those who are mourning the death of a loved one: that they may know Christ’s loving and sustaining presence with them in their time of loss
For all who are preparing for the sacrament of penance: that God will free them from their sins, heal their wounds, and bring to fullness the conversion of their hearts
For conversion of heart: that the Spirit will help us recognize the dignity of all human life and help leaders to find alternatives to capital punishment
For all who are suffering for the Gospel: that God will strengthen them and help them to offer faithful witness to Christ
For all the people of Bethany, Palestine, and Israel: that God will turn hearts from violence, protect the innocent, open new understanding of each other’s fears and hopes, and heal the wounds and mistrust that exists
For all impacted by snow, floods, and storms: that God will protect them from further harm, give them strength and courage, and help them to find the support and resources that they need
For all students on spring break: that God will protect them from harm, guide them safely in their travels, and help them to make wise decisions about their activities
For all who are ill: that God’s healing love will relieve their pain, restore their health, and deepen their appreciation of live
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Fourth Sunday in Lent – March 19, 2023
For the Church: that we may share the light of the Gospel with all who are struggling to recognize good from evil, truth from lies, and selfless love from self-serving activity
For the growth of our faith: that God’s love for us may enlighten our path as we face our daily challenges and draw us into a deeper relationship with God
For a spirit of respect: that we may honor each person who enters our life, particularly those with physical or developmental limitations, and encourage them to use their gifts and enrich the community
For all who face social, cultural, political, or family opposition to embracing the Gospel: that God will strengthen their hearts and help them find loving and supporting communities
For all who are bound by the blindness of prejudice: that God will free them from judging others and open their eyes to the value and dignity of each human person
For all the Elect: that God will heal them of the blindness that clouds their vision and give them a new awareness of God’s presence in their lives and God’s invitation to service
For reconciliation amongst communities of faith: that we may each repent of past wrongs and work together to confront evil and violence in the world
For government officials: that God will anoint their minds and hearts so that they may promote the well-being of all whom they serve, particularly the vulnerable and powerless of society
For all who have suffered abuse by religious leaders: that God will heal their wounds, give them new insight into their strengths, and help them to be open to sharing their gifts for the good of others
For all who have no sight or who are losing their sight: that they may experience God’s presence with them and God’s guidance in living their lives fully
For insight and openness to caring for our environment: that God will help us to see the damages that have been done to our air, water, and land and guide us in developing policies that will protect the environment from further harm
For all whose lives are darkened by alcohol, drugs, or pornography: that the light of the Gospel may shatter their darkness and open a path to living a new life
For all who live in the darkness of violence, warfare, or human trafficking: that God will comfort all who are in pain, bring light into their lives, and speed the assistance that they need to find new communities
For refugees: that God will guide them to places of safety and open the hearts of their new neighbors to welcome and include them in their communities
For all recovering from natural disasters: that God will protect them from harm, heal their injuries, and guide them in accessing the resources which they need
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Second Sunday of Lent – March 5, 2023
For the Church: that we may be transfigured more and more into the image and likeness of Christ
For the grace to listen: that we may hear the voice of Christ in prayer, events, and relationships so that we may respond more fully to God’s invitation
For freedom from fear: that God will cleanse our hearts and help us to live in the freedom of the Children of God
For courage: that we, like Abraham, may go forth from all that is familiar to new places into which God leads us so that we may be a blessing to others
For all who are facing a crisis, loss, or low points in their lives: that they may experience the transforming grace of God and grow in their trust of God to bring forth a new beginning and an abundant life
For Candidates for full communion with the Church: that God will lead them to a deeper awareness of the New Life within them and help them to be renewed by their Lenten observance
For openness of heart: that as we prepare to celebrate the sacrament of penance, we may discover God’s unbounded love that desires to forgive and free us
For all who are trying to discern their calling in life: that they may make space in the busyness of life to let God’s Word move their hearts
For all the descendants of Abraham: that Jews, Muslims, and Christians will honor all that we share in common and work together to overcome the evil that ensnares human hearts
For all who share in the sufferings of Christ: that the Spirit of God will fill with courage
those who are persecuted for their faith and make fruitful their witness to the Gospel
For all who have experienced violence: that God will heal their pain, comfort those who are grieving, and help them experience God’s presence each day
For a deeper appreciation of God’s gift of creation: that the Glory of God may shine through all that God has created and draw us into a greater stewardship of the earth
For all parishes in transition: that the Spirit will guide the planning process as parishes are merged or closed and open hearts to work together in sharing the Good News of Jesus
For disruption of the drug trade: that God will expose the harm caused by illicit drugs, guide teachers and youth ministers in helping youth address challenges, and guide officials in developing policies to combat the drug trade
For the gift of peace: that God will turn hearts from violence, bring an end to the war in Ukraine, and open new opportunities for dialogue
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time – February 19, 2023
For the Church: that we may live as God’s holy people, manifesting God’s love and compassion in this time and place to all who enter our lives
For greater awareness: that we may recognize our dignity as a Temple of God in whom the Holy Spirit dwells and strive to bring the love and mercy of God into our relationships, workplaces, and communities
For our parish community: that we may recognize the Spirit at work within and among us and work together to serve God’s purpose
For freedom of spirit: that God will unbind us from possessions, grudges, and resentments so that we may be free to love and offer our gifts in service to others
For the grace of discernment: that the Spirit will guide us in recognizing the fears and desires which cloud our motivations so that we may wisely choose how to live and serve God each day
For the grace to love as God loves: that we may love others as God has loved us, unconditionally and without expectation
For all whom we perceive to be enemies: that God will free them from mistaken impressions, help them to perceive others in new ways, and be open to cooperating with others for a greater good
For renewal of our deepest self: that we may surrender our brokenness to God and allow God to lead us to fuller integrity, authenticity, and wholeness
For the grace of reconciliation: that God will heal the wounds and divisions amongst families, co-workers, neighborhoods, and nations so that we may work together to advance a greater good
For growth in holiness: that we may live the Gospel more fully, fulfill the work to which God has called us, and be drawn ever deeper into friendship with God
For courage to turn the other check: that God will strengthen us when we have been insulted or injured so that we may continue to love and serve without reservation
For those who have experienced abuse: that God will heal their pain, renew their spirits, and give them the strength to live each day fully
For all who are recovering from earthquakes and other disasters: that God will relieve the pain and suffering of the people in Turkey and Syria, provide warmer weather, and speed the assistance which they need
For all who have died and for those who are grieving them: that God will give eternal life to all who have died, particularly in the earthquakes, and comfort those who are grieving them
For peace: that God will transform hardened hearts and closed minds so that bloodshed may end and peace may be established for all who are experiencing conflict and violence, particularly in Ukraine
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time – February 12, 2023
For the Church: that we may persistently seek greater holiness and never be satisfied with merely fulfilling the letter of the law
For moral theologians and ethicists: that the Spirit will lead them to a deeper understanding of the wisdom of God so that they can share the values that will lead believers to live the Gospel more faithfully
For the gift of courage: that God will strengthen us as we make difficult moral decisions and empower us to put the values of the teachings of Jesus into practice
For fuller honesty: that God will help us to speak and act truthfully in every situation and activity in our lives
For a spirit of reverence: that we may recognize our need for God, seek to serve God each day, and never use God to achieve our agenda
For all who are struggling with moral decisions: that the Spirit of God will inspire them with wisdom, help them to recognize the greatest good in their options, and connect them with a supportive community
For insight: that God will help us to recognize the attitudes and situations that draw us away from God, give us strength to face them, and guide us in redirecting our choices and actions
For all who struggle with anger: that God will give them the strength to direct it in productive ways and not allow it to become violent or self-destructive
For all who have suffered violence: that God will heal their painful memories and that the Spirit will free them to live life fully
For all who have experienced divorce: that God will heal their pain, renew their self-worth, and help them to draw strength from the community of faith
For all who experienced abuse: that God will heal their deepest self, guide them in living life each day, and protect them from further harm
For the grace to let go of hurts and wounds: that God will free our minds and hearts from the pain of what others have done to us and help us forgive and pray for them
For all who are recovering from disasters: that God will give them strength, renew their spirits, and help them find the resources that they need to rebuild their lives
For healing: that God will heal the sick, give hope to those preparing for surgery, comfort the parents of sick children, and strengthen all who care for the sick
For peace: that God will bring an end to violence in Ukraine, in workplaces, in our city streets, and within families and help all to find ways to resolve differences in life-giving ways
For all who have died, particularly those killed in the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria: That they may have peace and joy with God forever
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time – February 5, 2023
For the Church: that we may be a light to our world and that our words and deeds may be instruments of healing and transformation for our society
For courage: that we may awaken our society from complacency as we bring the insights and challenges of the Gospel into our neighborhoods, workplaces, and public discourse
For freedom of spirit: that God will remove from our hearts any sense of entitlement and help us to recognize all that we have and are able to do are gifts from God
For conversion of heart: that God will help us recognize the social impact of sin and guide our efforts to heal our society of racism, consumerism, and violence
For all who reach out to the poor and those in need: that they may see the face of Christ in those whom they serve and never grow weary in offering love and compassion
For leaders of business: that they may find the balance between financial success, the good of their co-workers, and the common good of society as they explore new opportunities
For those who speak prophetic words: that their cry may be like salt, raising our awareness and stirring our desire for peace, justice, and solidarity
For healing of the wounds of selfishness and violence: that God will bring wholeness to our hearts and spirits as we attend to the pain and suffering of others
For all who face burnout: that God will heal the exhaustion of those who serve others, restore their spirits, and help them to encourage others to use their gifts
For greater care for our common home: that we may grow in our respect for the earth as God’s gift to us and work to preserve it for future generations
For world leaders: that they may continue to search for ways to heal ancient wounds and find ways of promoting peace and justice for all
For all consecrated religious: that God will sustain them in their ministry and that they may be signs of God’s faithfulness to all
For all who are in need: that God will touch hearts and give courage to those who can bring food to the hungry, clothing to the naked, and justice to the oppressed.
For an end to gun violence: that God will awaken those who do not see the harm that comes from the use of guns and guide them in developing new policies for the good of society
For all who have died in recent violence: that God will bring them to the fullness of life and comfort all who mourn their death
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – January 29, 2023
For the Church: that we may be transformed by God’s Spirit and embrace the reversal of self-justification and self-fulfillment of our society by walking humbly and finding our strength in Christ
For all disciples: that we may hear God’s call to follow Christ and live lives of loving sacrifice, deeds of justice, and words of compassion
For the grace to be poor in Spirit: that we may recognize our poverty wherever God is not at the center of our life and decisions
For all who are entrapped by their possessions: that God will free them and help them to value their relationships and the blessings which God gives them
For all who mourn: that they may know God’s presence this day and that we may stand with them and support them through their grief
For all who are burdened by guilt and remorse: that God will heal their memories and free them from the past so that they can live with joy as God’s children:
For conversion of our hearts: that we may recognize our need for God and walk humbly in God’s presence each day
For all who hunger and thirst for righteousness: that the Spirit of God will guide those who work to end discrimination, injustice, abuse, and fraud, and bring forth a new day of healing and honesty
For peacemakers: that God will inspire those who promote dialogue and understanding within families or communities, between nations and races, and help them to promote deep respect for each person
For all who show mercy: that the face of God may shine through those who care for the sick and elderly, and those who assist the stranger or those recovering from disasters
For all who suffer for the sake of the Gospel: that God will strengthen and fill with courage those who live the paschal mystery through persecution, discrimination, or imprisonment for Christ
For all who are powerful: that they may use their knowledge, resources, and influence to bring forth God’s reign and raise up those who are in great need
For Pope Francis: that his trip to the Congo may promote healing of minds and hearts, bring forth dialogue amongst factions, and strengthen the faith of the church
For the members of legislatures: that they make seek the common good of all whom they represent and address the root causes of poverty and lack of needed healthcare
For an end to war: that God will bring an end to warfare and suffering in Ukraine and other areas so that people may life in peace and support their families
For an end to gun violence: that God will turn hearts from violence, help communities to offer the needed services to those who are filled with anger, and help people to recognize the dignity of human life
For all who have died by violence and for those who grieve their loss: that God will those who have died into everlasting peace and give comfort to those who are grieving
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – January 22, 2023
For the Church: that the Holy Spirit will free us from all our attachments so that we may follow Jesus’ call to serve the reign of God
For openness to the Word of God: that we may allow God’s Word to enter our hearts, bring us to a deeper relationship with Christ, and inspire us to live the Gospel more fully
For all ministers of the Word of God, particularly those who preach or proclaim the Word of God in our parish: that the words of scripture may find a home in their hearts and that they may announce the Word with boldness and conviction
For a spirit of hope: that all who find themselves walking in darkness and without purpose may be enlightened by the Spirit so that they may live life with meaning and dedication
For Christian unity: that God will deepen the faith of all Christians, help us cooperate in serving those in need, and bring us to a greater appreciation of the gifts of the Spirit at work in one another’s communities
For healing in Christian communities: that those who are experiencing struggles and rivalries may allow the Spirit to touch their hearts and transform their minds so that the Body of Christ may be one in serving and praising God
For all who help others find Christ: that spiritual directors, catechists, missionaries, and evangelists may share the good news of Jesus in life-giving and healing ways
For all who are discerning a call to ministry: that God will help them hear their call and recognize the gifts they have so that they can assist with all the needs of human hearts
For all who are searching for employment: that God will guide them to the people and places where their gifts and talents will be used and where they can support themselves and their families
For all who feel caught in the darkness of depression or addiction: that the light of God’s love will guide them to freedom and a new beginning
For a greater appreciation and dedication to human life: that God will help us to respect and defend the value of life from conception until natural death
For all who are recovering from natural disasters: that God will ease their fears and give them hope, help them to restore their lives, and speed the assistance that they need
For all who have fled war or violence: that God will protect them from harm and the power of nature, guide them to food and shelter, and open the hearts of many to assist them
For greater stewardship of natural resources: that God will guide us in balancing and harmonizing our activities with the resources that God has entrusted to us
For all who are ill: that the Spirit will ease their suffering, bring encouragement through the care of the Christian community, and restore them to wholeness
Universal Prayer Ideas for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – January 15, 2023
For the Church: that we may be a light to the nations and an instrument of God’s saving message to all who are seeking direction and a deeper meaning for their life
For all disciples: that we may give testimony that will attract others to Jesus and help them encounter Christ who is the way, the truth, and the life for all the human family
For this Christian community: that we who are called to be holy may allow the grace of God to work in us and form us into the people of God
For catechists and parents: that like John the Baptist, they may introduce and lead the young people in their care to a deeper relationship with Jesus
For the grace of humility: that we may use our gifts in the service of God and be open to the gifts of others so that through all of us, God’s work may be accomplished
For a greater awareness of God’s call in our lives: that we may listen and live out the mission to which God invites us
For the members of Congress: that God will give them wisdom and courage as they address the issues before them so that the common good may be advanced
For all who have turned away from God: that our words and deeds may make God’s love and presence known to them
For an end to racism and the dawn of new cooperation amongst all peoples: that God will help us recognize the dignity of each person and give us the courage to reach past divisions and build a greater society
For all who are worried or anxious: that God will ease their fear, help them to recognize that God is with them, and give them courage
For all who have suffered from natural disasters, particularly those who live along the west coast and in the south: that God will give them hope, courage in repairing and rebuilding, and protect them from further harm
For all Christians who face persecution, particularly in the Middle East and China: that God will stir up the Spirit within them, ease their suffering, and help them to bear faithful witness to the Gospel
For health and safety: that God will protect the human family from the further spread of the Covid virus and give strength to all healthcare workers as they assist those who are ill
For all who are called the priesthood or religious life: that they may generously respond to God’s call and build up the church through their service
For peace: that God will open dialogue between nations and groups that are in conflict, end the fighting in Ukraine, and guide all to new ways to resolve disputes in non-violent ways
Universal Prayer Ideas for January 8, 2023 – Solemnity of the Epiphany
For the Church: that, through our words and deeds, we may be a Light to those who are searching for direction and a sign of hope for those seeking to begin again
For God’s blessing on the New Year: that God will fill the coming days with health of body, mind, and spirit; renew the gifts of the Spirit within us, and inspire us with new ways to share the Good News with others
For greater trust: that, like the Wise Men, God’s Light may guide us through the unknown of the coming days as we rely more deeply on God’s love and care for us
For a deeper awareness of our gifts and talents: that like the magi, we may offer all our gifts to God and use them in the service of God’s reign
For a spirit of wonder: that our hearts may be filled with joy as we recognize God’s many gifts to us in our faith, our relationships, and our opportunities
For migrants and refugees: that God will help them to establish new lives and experience justice and respect in their new homeland
For catechumens and candidates: that their search for Christ and a Christian Community may lead them to an ever-deepening experience of Emmanuel
For all who do not know God: that they may perceive the signs of God's love in their lives and, like the wise men, be persistent in searching for God, who the source and fulfillment of their lives
For a renewal of prayer in our lives: that we may make time for God each day of this year and be attentive to God’s invitations and promptings in our hearts
For greater unity and cooperation within the human family: that God will heal the wounds of racial bias, open hearts to the talents of every person, and help us work together against violence, drug abuse, and poverty
For the members of Congress: that God will give them a clear understanding of the issues before them and wisdom to effectively address them for the common good
For all who have experienced abuse: that God will heal their pain, guide them to healing resources and give them strength
For all who are ill: that God’s healing love will restore them to wholeness and strengthen them throughout the coming year
For the people of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and the Palestinian territories: that God will ease their burdens and establish peace and justice for them
For peace: that God will bring an end to war, particularly in Ukraine, protect spouses and children from domestic violence, and preserve the human family from terrorism
For Pope Emeritus Benedict: that he may experience God’s love and peace forever
Universal Prayer Ideas for the feast of Mary, the Mother of God – January 1, 2023
For the Church: that we may be like Mary, treasuring God's words and deeds in our hearts and drawing wisdom from them for our daily lives
For a deeper awareness of the Spirit in our lives: that we may know our adoption as children of God and live in freedom and friendship with God
For the grace to ponder: that we may recognize and reverence the work of God in our lives and come to a deeper realization of how much God loves us
For the grace to begin again: that God will free us from all that holds us bound and invigorate us to live life fully for God’s glory and the service of our sisters and brothers
For God’s blessing on the New Year: that God will fill the coming days with health of body, mind, and spirit; renew the gifts of the Spirit within us, and inspire us with new ways to show God’s mercy to others
For awareness of the deepest desires God has placed in our hearts: that the Spirit will help us recognize the desires and visions that God has planted within us and give us the courage to pursue them
For a deepening of our relationships: that God will help us to grow in love and understanding with all with whom we share life
For the ability to listen better: that we, like the shepherds, may truly listen to the words spoken to us, find meaning in them, and act wisely upon them
For the ability to forgive and let go: that God will help us to forgive all who have injured us and release our pain into God’s hands so that we can live freely and vigorously in this new year
For all leaders of the Church: that they may exercise authority with the wisdom of the Spirit and the love of Christ in their hearts
For leaders of nations and all who hold public office: that they may serve their people untiringly and work to relieve the suffering of the poor and marginalized
For all who serve to protect others: that God will protect police, firefighters, hospital personnel, and members of the military, guide them in their duties, and bring them home safely
For all who are suffering: that God will sustain refugees, those who are ill, and those recovering from natural disasters, relieve their suffering, and give them hope
For all who live amidst violence: that God will guide them along safe paths, dispel their fears, and bring forth a new day of peace and security
For our common home, the earth: that God will help us to be good stewards of creation and guide us to use our natural resources wisely
For the blessing of peace: that the Spirit of God will open us to the presence of God around us and guide us along new paths that will heal divisions and end bloodshed