Katie Jansen
Parish Life Coordinator/Director of the Work

telephone: (314) 977-1954

Katie is originally from central Illinois. After spending two years as a Jesuit Volunteer in Mobile, AL, she moved to St. Louis in 1999 to attend graduate school at St. Louis University where she received her MSW. She spent 11 years in faith based community organizing before joining the College Church staff in 2015. She has two children Alice and Elena.



Fr. Tim McMahon, S.J.
Canonical Pastor

telephone: (314) 977-7310

Father Timothy McMahon, SJ previously served as Associate Pastor at St. Matthew the Apostle Parish in St. Louis. Prior to arriving in St. Louis he served as Superior of the Jesuits in Houston and as Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in El Paso, Texas from 2019-2020. Fr. McMahon was President of Arrupe Jesuit High School in Denver, Colorado from 2010-2018. He served as the Provincial of the Jesuits of the Missouri Province from 2003 – 2009 and as Provincial Assistant for Formation and Secondary Education from 2001 - 2003. Fr. McMahon spent seven years as pastor of St. Frances Xavier Church and elementary school in Kansas City, Missouri and adjunct professor of Biology at Rockhurst University (1994 -2002). He also served in the Province Offices as Vocation Director and Provincial Assistant for Planning (1991-1994). He did pastoral ministry in Santa Tecla, El Salvador (1987-1989) and taught Biology at St. John’s College in Belize (1982-1984) .and at De Smet Jesuit High School in St. Louis, Missouri. (1989-1991)

Fr. McMahon is a native of St. Louis, Missouri, attended St. Louis University High School and Saint Louis University before entering the Jesuit Novitiate in Denver, Colorado in 1976.  During his course of formation, he earned Bachelors degrees in Philosophy and Slavic Studies from Saint Louis University; a Masters of Divinity from the Weston School of Theology in Cambridge, Massachusetts; an MS in Biology from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and a MA in Theology from the University of Central America José Simeón Cañas in San Salvador, El Salvador. 

Jaime Gil Nuñez
Director of Faith Formation


Jaime was born and raised in a small town in the state of Michoacan in central Mexico. After completing a Master's degree in Theology and Ministry at Boston College, he moved to Saint Louis in 2017 and married his wife Michelle here at St. Francis Xavier College Church in the fall of 2019. Before joining our staff, Jaime worked as Diocesan Director for Religious Education and Youth Ministry for the Diocese of Belleville and later as the Spanish Content Manager for Hallow, a Catholic App for prayer and meditation. Jaime's vision for ministry is to help create safe and sacred spaces where everyone can have a healing and life giving encounter with God, self, and others. 


Christine Dragonette
Director of Social Ministry

telephone: (314) 977-7309

Christine is from North Carolina and attended UNC-Chapel Hill for her Bachelor’s degree. She moved to St. Louis in 2012 for a year of service with Vincentian Mission Corps. Most recently, Christine completed her Master’s degree in Social Work at SLU, during which time she worked part time as the Outreach Services Coordinator at the College Church. She is happy to have the opportunity to remain on staff and be a part of the development and growth of Social Ministry.

Terry Edelmann
Youth Faith Formation

telephone: (314) 977-7319

Terry Edelmann has been a parishioner at the College Church for the past 12 years and has been a part of the Youth Faith Formation Program for the past six.  Terry worked for the Archdiocese of St. Louis for 20 years, in the education and communications offices and as director of the Safe Environment Program.  Terry has an undergraduate degree from St. Louis University and a master’s degree from Boston College.  She has three grown children, three grandchildren, and a dog.


Sandy Hauck
Director of Wedding Ministry, Young Adult Faith, and Marriage Preparation

telephone: (314) 977-7303

Sandy, a native of Colorado Springs, Colorado, has been involved with the event and wedding planning business for over 20 years. Having graduated from Marquette University she was drawn to the College Church’s Jesuit parish. She is married to Carl Hauck and is the mother of 6 children, Connor, Grady, Andrew, Callahan, Jordan and Lesley.


Julie Killian
Co-director of Youth Faith Formation

telephone: (314) 977-7301

Julie is from central Illinois and moved to St. Louis to attend Saint Louis University. She  has worked as a Physical Therapist for many years and recently completed graduate work at Aquinas Institute. She and her husband have four children.


Joyce Miller
Office Manager

telephone: (314) 977-7300

Joyce grew up in St. Louis. She first attended St. Leo’s and then St. Bridget’s (which is now Sts. Teresa and Bridget). She has been working for St. Francis Xavier since 1982. For thirteen of those years, she was also working at the Cathedral. She loves cats, both big and small.


Joseph Milner
Christian Initiation, Liturgy, and Adult Faith Formation

telephone: (314) 977-7305

Joe is a native of St. Louis and has been on the staff of College Church since 1989. He leads the Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) process, coordinates other adult formation activities, and serves as a spiritual director. Joe lives with his wife, Mary, and two sons in Ferguson.


Sue Martin
Director of Wedding Music and Accompanist, Music Ministry

telephone: (314) 977-7313

Sue first came to College Church in 1988 as a pianist for the parish Sunday liturgies and as an accompanist for the choir. Additionally, she now serves as Director of Wedding Music after serving as Director of Music from 2001-2016. Sue is also a member of the Webster University and Saint Louis University piano faculties. She and her husband, Jim, both SLU alums, were married at College Church in 1991 and have two daughters,, Anne and Tess.

Meg Beugg
Director of Parish Engagement

telephone: (314) 977-7304

Meg was born in Connecticut and moved to St. Louis in grade school. She is a graduate of the University of Kansas (Rock Chalk!). She has worked in college campus ministry, secondary education, technology, and fundraising. Meg was part of the Campus Ministry team at St. Louis University High School from 2011-2019 and is delighted to be back in a Jesuit ministry. She lives in Tower Grove East and loves spending time in Forest Park and Tower Grove Park. Two fun facts: 1. Meg’s father is proud to have been parishioner of College Church as a child (1943-1947). His family moved to St. Louis during WWII and they lived right down the street in an apartment on Lindell. 2. Meg’s parents met on the steps of College Church on December 8, 1960!

Camille Smith
Bulletin Editor | Communications and Development Assistant


Camille Smith is originally from Memphis, Tennessee. After graduating from St. Mary's Episcopal School, Camille decided to attend Saint Louis University, where she currently studies Social Work with minors in French and Criminal Justice. Camille is involved in student government, college journalism, and mock trial. In her free time, Camille enjoys photography, reading, hiking, and exploring the city of St. Louis.


Ray Sherrock
Choir Director, Music Ministry


Ray was raised in New Mexico before heading to Alaska to serve as a Jesuit Volunteer. He spent several years singing professionally with the a cappella octet, Pieces of 8. He then worked as the education program manager for the Saint Louis Symphony before becoming director of choral music at DeSmet Jesuit High School. Ray became the director of the choir in 2008. He and his wife, Sue Owens, have sung in the choir for a number of years.


Mary Seise
Liturgy Coordinator


Mary grew up in St. Louis County and she is currently working on her master's degree at Aquinas Institute of Theology. She is working towards a Master's in Pastoral Studies and is planning to graduate in May of 2024, and hopes to one day become a campus minister. Mary is also a big sports fan as she works part-time at Busch Stadium over the summer during baseball season. A fun fact is that she played golf in college at Fontbonne and has two hole-in-ones.