
Creating Community With Hope and Imagination

St. Francis Xavier (College) Church is a vibrant, faith-filled, welcoming parish. This remains true even in the midst of a global pandemic, because we are an Easter people transformed by the love of Jesus.

We want to stay connected with each other right now to draw comfort and encouragement, to share our struggles and our joys, to be honest with our God in prayer, and to give thanks for God’s continued blessings. Below are some resources that may be helpful, but first, a quick overview of what’s changed and what hasn’t in our church life together.



Public Masses have resumed. Please RSVP on our homepage for Mass or 5:30 pm Saturday Outdoor Communion.

You can still participate in Mass online. SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel, where we will livestream the 5:30 pm Saturday Mass.

Parish Office

Our Parish Office is open during the week. We encourage visitors to wear masks inside. Our staff is also happy to stay in touch via phone or email (and we encourage you to stay in touch!)

The Sacrament of Marriage

Our wedding ministry is in close contact with couples who have upcoming ceremonies to ensure that an appropriate decision is made about whether to proceed or postpone their weddings. Contact Sandy Hauck at sandy@sfxstl.org for more information.

Youth Faith Formation

At this time, our Youth Faith Formation programs will not be meeting in person. However, our team will be sending out weekly emails with materials so that you can participate in faith activities at home with your children. Contact Terry Edelmann at terry@sfxstl.org if you are not yet on the Youth Faith Formation email list.

Online Giving

If you are signed up for giving online, thank you! If you are not, please consider signing up by visiting this link. This ensures we can meet our expenses whether or not you are physically present for Mass. (You can also mail in your envelopes.)

Birth Certificate and ID Program

This program will operate on Tuesdays. Call (314)-266-9557 to make an appointment.


And now, some resources for connection with our neighbors, with our fellow parishioners, and with our God.


Pope announces extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing

The Pope announced that on Friday, March 27, he will preside over a moment of prayer on the sagrato of St Peter’s Basilica, the platform at the top of the steps immediately in front of the façade of the Church. “I invite everyone to participate spiritually through the means of communication”, he said. The ceremony will consist in readings from the Scriptures, prayers of supplication, and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament; and will conclude with Pope Francis giving the Urbi et orbi Blessing, with the possibility of gaining a plenary indulgence for all those who listen to it live through the various forms of communication. The blessing “to the City [of Rome] and to the World” is normally only given on Christmas and Easter.The Director of the Holy See Press Office confirmed that the moment of prayer on Friday will be broadcast live from the Vatican, beginning at 6 pm Rome time (noon St Louis time). A link will be available on the Vatican website: https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html

Parishioner Mutual Support Phone Bank Opportunity

Do you have some time to spare? Are looking for a way to connect with other parishioners during this time of physical distance? You're invited to participate in a College Church mutual support phone bank. All you need to participate is a phone and the desire to connect with others. We'll spend some time reaching out to College Church parishioners to check in on how things are going and offer prayer and support over the phone. You can spend as little or as much time on this as you'd like and you will receive training before getting started.

Please reach out to Christine at christine@sfxstl.org if you'd like to participate. 

Reaching out to Neighbors

You can use a friendly card like this one, created by a woman in Cornwall in the UK, to let your neighbors know you are there for them. (But please remember, if you are in a vulnerable population, do not feel obligated!)

Click here for a version that allows you to print out and cut out multiple cards.

Staying Connected as a Parish Community

Are you getting our weekly emails? Great! They will be our #1 way to stay in touch,

If you are not getting them, please click here to subscribe to our email newsletter and encourage parishioner friends to do so.

Other communication outlets: our public Facebook page and a private parishioner Facebook group (to join the parishioner group, send an email to church@sfxstl.org).


Lent Goes to the Movies

During Lent 2018 noted cinephiles Fr. Dan and Fr. Ron Mercier (our provincial) came up with a list of movies worth watching. Given everyone's extended time at home, we thought it good to recommend again great films with a great message.

Click this link to see the full list of recommendations.


Prayer Resources

Here are some sites you may find helpful for turning to God in this extraordinary time.

Vatican News posts the videos of daily Masses offered by Pope Francis, with summaries of his homilies.

IgnatianSpirituality.com from Loyola Press has been sharing Ignatian wisdom for troubled times, a coronavirus response Examen and lesson, and much more.

America Magazine has rich reflections on Scripture tied to the lectionary readings.

A number of sites make the Divine Office (or Liturgy of the Hours) available online. This one is from Universalis.