Anti-Racism Resources

The following are resources that connect to ongoing anti-racism work from a Catholic perspective. We will be sharing more as we find them, so please continue to visit this page. For more information, please email Christine Dragonette at

Photo Credit: Angel Flores

Photo Credit: Angel Flores

Tuesday Racial Justice Vigils

Begun by the Jesuits of Bellarmine House in June, a group of St. Louis Catholics will continue to keep vigil for Racial Justice and Black Lives on the steps of St. Francis Xavier College Church every Tuesday evening from 6-7pm. All are invited to join in silent prayer and bring signs calling for racial justice. The group is looking to include others in creating programming or reflection during these vigils. If you, or a group you're connected with, would be interested in leading one Tuesday, please email Joan McGinnis at 

Protesters in Minneapolis gather at the scene May 27 where George Floyd, an unarmed black man, was pinned down by a police officer kneeling on his neck May 25. (CNS/Reuters/Eric Miller)

Protesters in Minneapolis gather at the scene May 27 where George Floyd, an unarmed black man, was pinned down by a police officer kneeling on his neck May 25. (CNS/Reuters/Eric Miller)